About Veritas

Current Note December 2023:

Blogging frequently, just not always here

Over the last couple of years regular readers, however few, will have noticed a drop-off in posts from daily to maybe one a week and sometimes less. DLH no longer writes for  veritaspac.com and that is perhaps half the reason. Yours truly’s comments posted here are inhibited by making a living and a different “editorial” strategy — more frequent comments in conservative publications with a further reach with the idea of testing them and consolidating them in these page as appropriate. So we (editorial we, royal we, nosism we ) have not been absent the blogosphere just less frequently here.  We would like to be in a position to amend that and as always we are open to featuring articles from others.


Veritas Political Action Committee (PAC) was registered as an Iowa state political action committee in July of 2010. There is no connection to any other organization or  political action committee using the name “Veritas.”

As an entity Veritas PAC’s functions are not-for-profit and may include all matters legal to be undertaken by an organization registered as a state political action committee in Iowa or as provided for by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa.

Veritaspac.com is a journal of political opinion.

Nothing in this publication should be construed as legal advice. This is a journal of political opinion (and sometimes satire, humor and general commentary). Do your own due diligence as regards anything advocated or commented on herein including anything linked to.

Veritaspac.com was first published in December of 2011. Its function is to facilitate Veritas PAC in pursuit of conservatism. Original content comes from the work of editors and readers freely given. Inclusion and analysis of content from other publications or of the behaviors and activities and statements of persons and organizations, including for satirical purposes, is intended for advancing understanding of political, social justice and educational issues and to facilitate readers’ criticism, all constituting fair use.

Fair use notice: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been pre-authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of political, economic, scientific, social, art, media, and cultural issues. The ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material that may exist on this site is provided for under U.S. Copyright Law. In accordance with U.S. Code Title 17, Section 107, material on this site is distributed without profit to persons interested in such information for research and educational purposes. If you want to use any copyrighted material that may exist on this site for purposes that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. If you feel that any of the images used on this site infringe on YOUR rights, please contact us via the e-mail posted on this page.

Roger Mall, Davenport, Iowa is Chairman of Veritas PAC and managing editor of veritaspac.com. Contact him via mail at Veritas PAC c/o  5123 Woodland Ave, Davenport, Iowa 52807.

Organization, Purposes and Goals

Veritas Organization

Veritas is organized as an Iowa political action committee. As an entity its functions are not-for-profit and may include all matters legal to be undertaken by an organization registered as a state political action committee in Iowa or as provided for by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa.

Contributions are appreciated and may be made to Veritas Political Action Committee. Contributions are not tax deductible and are subject to the limitations imposed by the state of Iowa. Veritas PAC has no employees and no one associated in any decision making capacity is compensated for their work.  Contributions are only used for expenses of the organization and to support conservative candidates electoral prospects and causes. At this time we are able to accept checks only.  Please include your name, complete address and occupation and name of your employer. Contributions should be sent to:

Veritas PAC c/o  5123 Woodland Ave, Davenport, Iowa 52807.

Look for updates on this site for convenient donor processes as they are added.

Veritas Purposes and Goals

The purposes and goals of the organization include but are not limited to influencing the nomination and election of candidates for public office and pursuing a conservative political agenda and informing the body politic on a variety of matters. As one method of doing so Veritaspac.com will select and issue commentary about news of the day.  Veritas will also advocate for candidates for leadership positions within the Republican Party and advocate for and defend adherence to conservative principles in the formation of Republican Party Platforms. Veritas will also promote structural support for conservative principles and policy implementation within the Republican Party along with research, development and distribution of practical electoral methodologies and assistance. Veritaspac will also advocate for efficient and effective political outreach in support of a conservative agenda.

Among the policies Veritaspac will advocate for are adherence to the limitations to government embodied in the Constitution of the United States; judicial restraint and original intent; the merits of a constitutional republic; a smaller overall regulatory reach of government at all levels; a vibrant market based economy to promote prosperity; low taxes to limit the size of government; exposing the dangers of welfare dependence and socialism; a special emphasis on the fundamental principle of the right to life of all innocent members of the human family; traditional cultural and family values; immigration policies that honor legal orderly immigration and which do not burden citizen taxpayers; the right to keep and bear arms; a strong national defense; vigorous practical energy policies, the nonsense of climate change hysteria and the grifter personalities and industries built around it and their subsidy by taxpayers;  property rights; advocacy and participation regarding local government and school board elections and referenda; voter integrity and election law issues; honesty and integrity in campaigning and other important matters. An associated goal of Veritas is to champion Home Rule authority and state’s rights authorities when appropriate.  Veritas will also argue for statutory and amendatory proposals which are consistent with these goals. Veritas will also contribute to the political debate regarding historical cultural and philosophical matters relating to freedom and self government.

In support of its political advocacy Veritas has created www.veritaspac.com as a distribution tool for its programs as well as news, analysis, commentary and argumentation as a resource for candidates and public servants who also advocate conservative views. Veritas will also expose and comment on anti-conservative biases on the part of news agencies.

Regarding its political action committee activities Veritaspac will initially focus on state and local primaries appearing on the ballot, particularly Scott County but also selected races across the state. Any current focus is in no way intended to imply a limitation on its activities as the focus of activities will change from season to season.  Federal races will also be commented on.

Veritas will also promote the development of Republican Party administrative practices that support and defend a conservative platform and consideration for candidates and nominees who honor the platform. Veritas will also expose and oppose those practices that are indifferent to a conservative small government platform.  Veritas will also expose practices by Republican Party officials and elected Republicans that reward individuals, organizations or businesses that engage in practices in opposition to the spirit of our constitutional republic, smaller government, and a conservative platform along with manifestations of “crony capitalism” and “crony politics.”  Veritas will promote fair and objective campaign practices among Republicans.

In furtherance of these purposes and goals and within the limitations of its resources and tactical considerations Veritas will help identify and advocate for candidates for elected and appointed office, organizations, delegates and party officials who consistently support our purposes. Veritas may manifest itself selectively by evaluating and rating candidates and officials for general elections, party elections and appointed office; support candidates directly, financially and otherwise as resources are available, or independently advocate for or oppose candidates as permitted by law; help foster general conservative ascendancy through the issuance of voter guides; sponsor conferences, debates, forums, seminars, and rallies as appropriate; identify and encourage individuals who support our purposes to involve themselves in political affairs; assist other individuals and organizations in pursuit of activities that further these purposes as allowed by law; and provide practical support and referrals to candidates and causes consistent with these purposes.

It is our view that the “Eleventh Commandment for Republicans,” often associated with Ronald Reagan, whose words to the effect “Though Shalt Not Speak Ill of Fellow Republicans” deserve respect and deference with regards to the innocent. However Ronald Reagan was not a pacifist with respect to “fellow Republicans” who maligned his record, nor should he have been. Nor will we shield unapologetic unreformed Republican politicians, consultants or operatives who have made their political bones distorting the record of other Republicans who have honestly worked to implement provisions of the Republican platform. Nor will we ignore dismissive apparatchiks, hacks, hangers-on, climbers or the chronically oblivious, paid or volunteers, who serve bad behavior as enablers.  So called conservative or Republican candidates  or organizations  who divert from conservative principles will be called to task.

We do this because we support the 2010 and 2012 Republican Party of Iowa platforms which address the issue of integrity in campaigning and we will call to task those who we believe have violated the spirit of those provisions by egregiously distorting another candidate’s record. While we cannot “police” the world of Republican politics at any one level much less all levels, and because political operatives at various levels often have the means to defend themselves, we will focus on matters we are close to, or at whatever level where we think we have something to add.

We will not hold back criticizing a “Republican” who wins a primary in an egregious way or has done something to compromise Republican principles or other ethical values. We believe it is an ethically devoid thought that a Republican should be beyond reproach because they “won” the primary, or are in office, or may be helping other Republicans, that those factors require they be given a free pass on a significant matter.

We are here referencing actions that rise to a level involving basic decency toward conservatives, that involve fairness, that compromise conservatives trying to do the right thing.

It is not a matter that we here at Veritas are paragons of virtue.  It is for us a focus on long term wining of the hearts and minds of the cynical no-party independents and disaffected Democrats, people who think “politicians are all alike.”  On these pages it is a matter of striving to protect the Republican brand, or what should be its brand, and to disable any effectiveness by liberals, to equivocate. While liberals/Democrats do all things criticized here as a matter of course, we don’t want them to be able to truthfully say “Conservatives and Republicans do it too”

We believe that the Republican Party today, with all its blemishes, for now remains the “best” way to keep the country from the socialist precipice to which the Democrats and big government liberalism have brought us. However not every politician claiming the name Republican is in concert with the party’s conservative base.  This is an effort toward enhancing conservative political fortunes especially and to maintain that there should be a difference in the parties,  that all politicians are not alike, and that our constitutional republic is a superior form of government that must be protected.

All of these goals will be pursued by various political action means including the aforementioned and especially analysis, investigation, reportage and education all of which to include humor and satire.