Monthly Archives: August 2013

Web-Cam Abortions — Authentic Prayers To The Real God Have More Pull

Press Release from Iowa Right to Life.  More news stories here. Today the Iowa Board of Medicine voted 8-2 to to establish a standard of medical care which would prohibit webcam abortion in the State of Iowa.  Iowa Right to … Continue reading

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Naming Names – Bishops and St. Ambrose University Board *

If Bishop O’Keefe had left a pile of money with a naming codicil or “understanding” . . . would the Saint Ambrose University (SAU) library still be the O’Keefe Library? However provocative, the question is not intended to be impudent.  … Continue reading

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A Power Point For Mayor Gluba

From your political consultant friends at veritaspac . . . regarding future photo ops with visiting “dignitaries,”  we put together this brief  “power point” presentation together  for your edification. When greeting a world class despot, remember, whether your knees are … Continue reading


Where’s a rodeo clown when we need one?

Most analysts are convinced that President Obama is preparing to attack Syria in the aftermath of reports of Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons against his own people, thus crossing a faded pink line Mr. Obama drew over a year … Continue reading

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Young Republicans

Congratulations to Young Republicans of Rock Island County   (YRsRICO) for their organizational initiative and to those that helped and encouraged them without fanfare. All the “eyes” upon Scott County’s intense outreach efforts over the past nine months or so, … Continue reading

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Syria Says Kerry Is Lying About WMD’s – Oh! The Ironies

We know Kerry dissembles about a lot in his political and personal life, including about  his Vietnam War record.  Of course Syria’s leadership is made up of liars.  Who do we believe when Syria says Kerry is lying? * Is … Continue reading

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Duplicity – Thy Name is Obamacrat

This is from Politco, the place where left wing know-it-alls get all their political insider talking points. Consider: By JENNIFER EPSTEIN | Updated: 8/26/13 6:52 PM EDT Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday called Syria’s use of chemical weapons … Continue reading

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Obama Molesting the Constitution – Republican Response?

The list below was compiled and presented by Kelly O’Connell in a column in the Canadian Free Press Obama’s Puerile Molestation of the Constitution is Gruesome & Exceptionally Dangerous. For “progressive” acquaintances  and liberal editorial boards, like the QC Times … Continue reading

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For God’s Sake, Don’t Tell Michele!!!!!

If Michelle or Barack see this, look for the next American royals booking. IN THE QUARTERS at the top of a Victorian-era building overlooking London´s Thames River, no detail has been overlooked. The two-bedroom, duplex space has bathrooms clad in … Continue reading

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Syrial Incompetence

Chuck Hagel says US “prepared for ‘all contingencies’” regarding the crisis in Syria. Appearing confident, but typically bewildered and disheveled, Hagel did not spell out specifically what those preparations are. Veritas, however, can reveal, as disclosed by reliable sources, that President … Continue reading

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