Category Archives: MEDIA BIAS

especially local examples

Would THE Associated Press or AOL ever post pictures of the remains of aborted humans?

ATTN: GRAPHIC CONTENT – PICTURES OF MUTILATED HUMAN REMAINS (only some approved by THE AP) I subscribe to AOL.  Yes I even pay a subscription to something that was associated with the Huffington Post and is still “of the cloth”. … Continue reading

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Hypocrisy of Democrats regarding Supervisor appointment and local media outlet serving as their publicity department

WQAD TV 8 issued the following reports Democrat publicity videos regarding the recent appointment of Kerri Tomkins to serve as Scott County Auditor until the next general election, a process provided for by county regulation and Iowa statute and consistent with … Continue reading

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Lee Enterprise’s most recent yellow journalism: excreting AP excretions of NYT bile about Trump taxes

They, along with the New York Times (NYT) YT are hypocrites about Trump taxes . . . Sensationalizing legal minimization of  taxes, as if they don’t engage in it In truth there is no there there, no scandal, Trump has … Continue reading

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CNN is a caricature of itself

You can’t make this up –  the scroll or chyron actually appeared about ANTIFA BLM “protest” in Kenosha on a CNN report on August 24th . The meme that follows was too easy.   00

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Story, doesn’t say which party…it’s Democrat, but you have to look it up elsewhere

Media uninterested in party affiliation, unless they can denigrate a Republican with a report Lawmaker “unknown party” displays persecution complex aka  the woman/progressive/ bleeding heart/race card Promises to “continue to serve with the same integrity, the same passion that I’ve … Continue reading

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Ain’t no ‘bias’ goin’ on here!

A sample of the deviousness and malevolent forms of ‘writing trickery’ many “reporters ” use these days. I fear that “news”* reporting like that below from the WSJ is effective in creating public opinion, and does, of course, reflect the … Continue reading

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Kaleigh…YOU GO, GIRL!

Fox’s Chris Wallace has always been an insufferable, know-it-all snob, willing to attack Trump as if he (Wallace) were free of bias.  This from an early Wallace confrontation with a Trump spokesperson. They have gotten even better since then, at … Continue reading

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Gee, surprisingly, this does not seem to have gotten much press coverage

Readers – have you seen any references to the CNN scandal in mainstream media? Would you like to see naked pictures of your congressperson? Project Veritas: The last CNN Slap Down For now… (Released 10/22) Rick Saleeby, Senior Producer of … Continue reading

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Stoking recession fears not helpful

Read deeper before panicking over recent news about “yield curves” and what they signal Drudge* [the news aggregator that  writes its own headlines and link verbiage], (other) sensation mongers, and all the usual suspects have been stoking “imminent recession” fears … Continue reading

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AP trying to spark a race war while Baltimore ratted out by its own

Visit  “Charm City” AKA “Bodymore, Murdaland” one of Orkin Pest Control’s top ten cities for rodentia Trump’s comments about Congressman are racist and that is all there is to it — no need for a demurral such as  “Trump made … Continue reading

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