Monthly Archives: November 2021

Exposing the worlds most dangerous lie

HJP sent us this link to an expose by Glen Beck about the lies and coverups regarding COVID , gain of function research etc.   It is lengthy and a YouTube posting so who knows how long it will last … Continue reading

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Salvation Army: ~ give us money you dirty white supremacists~

Those bell ringers are shaking their fingers at you white people Along with coins this Christmas, Salvation Army wants white donors to offer a “sincere apology” for their racism Army goes woke with new anti-racist message, asks white donors to … Continue reading

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This is an American Holy Day

The first Thanksgiving reflected America’s religious founding Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November “as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens” Thanksgiving is about gratefulness to a transcendent God The Pilgrims … Continue reading

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A story of three a**holes

Just in case you missed it, this is the IJT story about Fox News personalities and the resignations of Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes…in our opinion two left-minded Trump-haters. For us,” it’s good riddance!’ The interesting things are, #1 Bret … Continue reading

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Watch for the usual suspects in the media treatment of Waukesha murders

Perpetrator of multiple vehicular homocides and attempted murders identified as black male He was driven to it The liberal media will not say much but will in an obligatory or robotic fashion speak of tragic deaths moving on to perhaps … Continue reading

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We hope Kyle Rittenhouse sues the hell out of the bad actors

Kyle was a young man acting as the first responder cadet, lifeguard, protector spirit that inspired him Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with murder and has been exonerated as to any criminal charges that were brought. We think competent legal representation … Continue reading

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“Our Father, Who Art in Washington…”

Is Francis’ Catholic Church just another leftist scam? Could  the Bishops be more obtuse? Mother Nancy of Pacific Heights invokes the heavens in worship of gaea — “its a religious thing” “But the Vatican warned that such a policy could be … Continue reading

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It is not mere wokeness at the FBI — it is outright corruption

Washington FBI bureaucracy is beyond repair Kansas isn’t all that purifying Victor Davis Hanson provides a useful litany of the FBI’s politicization hinting at outright corruption at the highest levels.  A number of topics could be added including recent revelations regarding investigations … Continue reading

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Masks mandates as symbol of subservience to the state

Of course the frequency of seeing the likes of  Nancy Pelosi, various governors  and mayors without them when they have issued edicts requiring them pretty much “proves the rule” . More on this later with our favorite quotes: Excellent article … Continue reading

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Follow the COVID money trail

If someone is cynical about the reasons for the incredible push for mandated COVID-19 mRNA injections by certain politicians, government agencies, humans-must-be-managed types, leftist immoral and amoral  profiteers, home-grown communists, one-world-government types the various Karens and scolds even among your relatives … Continue reading

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