Monthly Archives: September 2014

Judges On The Ballot

Judicial Retention — Scott County ballot. The judicial selection process in Iowa is referred to as a “process of gubernatorial appointment through nominating commission.” Judges are first appointed by the governor from (usually three) nominees recommended by judicial commissions set … Continue reading

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“Get Smart” Reincarnated?

Worried about the newest threat to national security exposed by the CAPTAIN BARACK AMERICA Administration? Andrew McCarthy and some other pretty astute experts on terrorist threats claim that Khoresan is a shadowy, sinister organization, simply made up by the Obama … Continue reading

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Cranks Corner

Gee Rick, I’m gonna miss ya. Here, take back your sweater vest. Rick Santorum Criticizes Ted Cruz’s Comments At Christian Event “To go in and to say something like, ‘If you don’t stand with Israel, I don’t stand with you’ … Continue reading

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More threatening letters from political operatives

You vill vote on our command or vee vill torture you until you do. Actually vee vill keep torturing you anyway, it’s vut vee do. It’s not cute. I know this isn’t really 3M talking but this is just silly.  … Continue reading

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Hurray! Clovis, Gregg, Mosiman, Northey, Pate, Now Part of the RPI Team Roster

The Republican Party of Iowa (RPI) now has the full panoply of statewide candidates listed on their Website. Why the full complement was not listed when the redesign took place we do not know. The candidates have been determined for … Continue reading

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Holder’s Non Departure

What kind of charade is this – Erik holder has announced he will leave when a replacement is appointed, as if there are not deputies in his department to serve as acting Attorney General?   We can only assume with this … Continue reading

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Veritas Salad

Good ol’ George — making a thinly veiled case for Greg Orman. George Will — Staking the Senate on Kansas? Electing Orman would deepen the Senate’s pool of talent, but it might thwart Republican efforts to control the Senate “Might” … Continue reading

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Absolutely Incredible – Local and State Party Web Sites Do Not List Candidates

OK, today is the first day of voting in Iowa, say you want to do as you are told and vote early, you have a Republican orientation but want to do a little due diligence, maybe learn something about the … Continue reading

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If Republicans Have to Depend On Haranguing To Vote Early . . .

. . . then they have no message, and no confidence. They must think the bum’s rush is necessary to get people to vote their way.  It is unbecoming to the debates and our candidates.  It is the stink of … Continue reading

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Science Be Damned The Left Will Not Give Up On Global Warming

“The last 15 summers have been the hottest on record. Carbon dioxide pumped into the air has increased 43%. Storms, droughts, wildfires have all become increasingly intense. New York was under 14 feet of water during the 2012 hurricane.” There … Continue reading

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