Monthly Archives: July 2015

Rush – the message in Trump’s success

GOP establishment looking for love in all the wrong places ways   GOP establishment fails to play to GOP core strengths, (undermines them instead) A game plan of pandering rather than proselytizing won’t win Hispanics, will lose core support Polling … Continue reading

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Pope should put this up his conclave and smoke it

In his pronouncements and demeanor Pope Francis never misses a trick to castigate energy use and development as robbing the poor and making conditions unlivable.  It is unscientific cant at best, or manipulative propaganda towards an  unholy Marxist state. Cheap … Continue reading

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Cecil or Cecile, wimoweh,* or wombaway . . . what’s the difference?

Blood bond — Cecil the African lion and Cecile of Planned Parenthood? Liberals (typically abortion supporters) in high dudgeon over Cecil’s “murder”, disregard his “murders” Oh the convoluted ironies America and much of the world has heard about Cecil, the … Continue reading

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King Herod only slaughtered MALE innocents

Where’s the Papal “Righteous Outrage”? Has He Noticed the “Unfettered Abortionism”? We at Veritaspac have often chided Pope Francis for his unscientific “scientific” stance on “climate change”. We’ve pointed out that his encyclical “Laudato Si” is informed exclusively by environmental … Continue reading

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Obama world

Colin Flaherty, still at it…but who’s listening? Panic in Pittsburgh: Media Struggling to Ignore Black Mob Violence Flaherty writes on the increasing black violence that is sweeping the nation and which I contend has grown exponentially since Obama took office. … Continue reading

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Truth more ghastly than fiction

Soylent Corporation to buy Planned Parenthood Soylent CEO says Planned Parenthood operating model beats theirs in efficiency and  net margins. Sees strategic benefit to integration.  Planned Parenthood’s non-profit status has been eyed with jealousy in the “recycling industry” for decades. … Continue reading

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Export – Import bank reauthorization vote:

Mostly the usual suspects From American Conservative News: Should your tax dollars be used to guarantee loans to fat-cat corporations like Boeing and GE? Apparently 24 Republicans in the Senate believe that taxpayer funded “crony capitalism” is the way to … Continue reading

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McConnell Machinations

Here is a report by Derek Hunter of the Daily Caller explaining what went on this past Sunday in the Senate.  Read it and weep.  These machinations of McConnell are in part what justifiably upset Senator Ted Cruz causing him … Continue reading

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Getting Trumped On Immigration — Gary Bauer

From Bauer’s  Campaign for Working Families  One thing Donald Trump has successfully done so far in his presidential campaign is elevate the issue of immigration. There are good conservatives on both sides of the issue. You can make the compassion … Continue reading

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Movement afoot to demand full bore support for LAUDATO SI’ !

Battle cry — Mitigation begins here, now! No more tepid Catholicism in air-conditioned bourgeoisie churches Glistening in the pews, new sign of solidarity with Sister Earth Code Pink to throw blood on AC compressors? Scandal! Why were windows up on … Continue reading

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