Monthly Archives: July 2013

Pope Francis Has Joined The Boy Scouts?

Pope Francis  is being hailed as the latest global icon to embrace homosexuality as just another lifestyle choice. Well, maybe it hasn’t gone that far yet, but the Pope in some respects has fallen into the trap leftists set for … Continue reading

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Obama Administration — Anti-Law & Anti-Science

The overall theme of this Forbes article by Henry I. Miller is nothing we don’t already know. . .*  Obama, himself has no regard for the Constitution, the law, the separation of powers, or the American people. There is, however, … Continue reading

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The Lynching

Highly recommended — this powerful indictment of the media regarding the George Zimmerman murder trail.  The Lynching, from PJ Media’s After Burner with Bill Whittle. An after the verdict analysis – only ten minutes in length –  it includes facts … Continue reading

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Hope In Change

It’s Victor Davis Hanson and even for him it is unusually good. Referring to our life in the twilight, he manages to sum up where America is today and where we are going in this “hand-basket”. After reading, one can … Continue reading

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Howard Dean Calls Obamacare Rationing . . . QC Times Freaking

The blood letting started almost immediately after the passage of Obamacare, when unions finally read the bill after promoting it, crying foul that they were going to lose their “hard fought” health benefits. But this article by Howard Dean, the … Continue reading

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Cranking Up

If there is any semi-thoughtful person who thinks that this country is not now under the rule of a megalomaniacal dictator, they just aren’t paying attention. Congress (Issa) has admitted on television that it is unable to stop Obama’s corruption … Continue reading

Posted in CRANK'S CORNER | 2 Comments

Excuse Us For Piling On

Perhaps just another “nuthin’ to see here, move on…” item (also see the Caruba  scandal litany below). I woke up this morning with a thought that came to me some time during my fevered dozing: “whatever happened to Sharyl A., … Continue reading

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What “Phony” Scandals is Obama Talking About? — Alan Caruba

It is absolutely astonishing that Obama could refer to “phony scandals” when the list of genuine scandals keeps growing. Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to deflect attention from them, they have become a constant factor from Obama’s … Continue reading

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Crucial Messages — Call to Defund Obamacare & Thank Sen. Grassley

The following content between the x’s is from Eric Erickson at RedState and Tea Party Patriots. They present the latest facts, key explanations, consequences and urgent needs regarding the politics of Obamacare far better than we could hope to summarize … Continue reading

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Collusion – Bozell and Graham

Collusion, How The Media Stole The 2012 Election  — And How Top Stop Them From Doing It In 2016, the new book by Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell and Tim Graham is highly recommended as a chronicle of journalistic bias, … Continue reading

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