Monthly Archives: November 2016

Ship of fools

THINK OF IT! THIS GUY COULD’VE BEEN OUR VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT! Kaine Tweets OSU ‘Senseless Act of Gun Violence’ – Updates After No Gun Involved  ( – With early reports of an “active shooter” on the Ohio State University campus Monday, … Continue reading

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The California skew and . . . the national popular vote winner

California alone could be responsible for enough illegal votes to give Hillary her plurality “NOT  Hillary” was the national popular vote winner The following article by Andy Schlafly (a son of Phyllis r.i.p.) writing at Townhall, lists the easy time … Continue reading

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Castro’s brutal reign

Tomi Lahren a featured commentator on  The Blaze is a young vibrant personality that seems in the minority around Glen Beck’s media empire digs in that she championed Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton.  Here she takes on the liberals and … Continue reading

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Trump’s very plausible statement about illegal votes

Here is an article from The Daily Signal, a Heritage Foundation publication that lends credence to Trump’s response to Hillary Clinton and Green Party candidate Jill Stein and their pursuit of recounts of election results in three states.  The Clinton/Stein  … Continue reading

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A Narative

So whats a few million more to throw away at recounts, just to keep things stirred up                 Remember, they are not serious that Russian’s hacked the election. They make the phony charge … Continue reading

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Pope dot Commie — articles evidencing Pope’s Marxist bent

However much is said and warned about, Francis is undeterred in his embrace of Marxism/Communism. And he has “packed the court” with an overwhelming number of adherents (leftist cardinals) that the Church will be dominated by his ilk for decades … Continue reading

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Pantsuit Princess has not sung yet

Not so fast — on thinking what Obama is up to Obama statement notwithstanding, behind the scenes effort likely to keep things stirred up. Here is the conventional wisdom: White House Announcement About Vote Recount is Crushing Blow to Last … Continue reading

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QC Times Headline: Stalin’s Death Spurs Joy, Sorrow

Our subject line is the moral equivalent of today’s front page story in the QC Times, it is  just as accurate. Certainly there were some who were sad about their loss as a result of Stalin’s death, but seriously, to … Continue reading

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Fake Education

We hear a lot about “fake news” these days, as the “popular media” attempts to regain its control over the information that Americans are exposed to. The “press”, from the Associated Press to the New York Times to the local … Continue reading

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Missionaries from Castro’s Cuba sacrifice mightily to extol virtues of communism

Something to think about America As you read this post consider the series of photographs of Cuban missionaries to the US, intent on coming here to extol the virtues of Revolución de Cuba and all its grandeur.  The boats are … Continue reading

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