Monthly Archives: February 2021

What more do you want from Durham? He’s already snared the mastermind of the Russia Hoax…Kevin Clinesmith!

Heard any good “special counsel” jokes lately ? Yeah. “John Durham”! (That’s a good one..) (That lab in Wuhan is still available, cheap. I’ll even throw in the bridge over the river Kwai if you make an offer today.Operators are standing … Continue reading

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Georgetown Jesuits are “sheep of Biden’s flock”

Actually, what IS authentic about Joe Biden?? That he’s a self-proclaimed “really tough, scrappy guy ‘straight outta Scranton’? The ‘dude’ who sent black gang leader, ‘Corn Pop’ and his gang of toughs cowering in a corner? That he’s a ‘patron saint’ … Continue reading

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Pelosi hasn’t lost Hart (her soul, yes)

We received the email below from our wannabe congressional person Democrat Rita Hart who is perhaps moving closer to being seated, bumping out Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks who was provisionally seated by Speaker Pelosi after MMM won a number of recount … Continue reading

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Reading Anton’s article at American Greatness

Michael Ations American Greatness article Why Do the Election’s Defenders Require My Agreement?   is very effective, depressingly so,  at articulating the elements that insure that “the fix” (fraud) was in for 2020 and that without assertive measure will be … Continue reading

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The left’s view of “not believing” in the legitimacy of the 2020 election reveals the cancer that eats at them

Some know it was illegit, Some are worried it was illegit,  All engage in denial and lack of candor to “prove” accusation wrong Stonewalling insures the fraud is set We ask readers to take the time to read and reflect … Continue reading

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Liz Cheney stepping up her audition tapings for CNN gig

Liz the people confusing people “not being clear” are beltway idiots like you. Yes she said this.  Surely she knows she is as they say “political toast” Representative Liz Cheney (R- WY), one of ten House Republicans who voted to … Continue reading

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A day to remember real courage, “taking a knee”– not the Kaepernick clowns of the NFL

Iowa native recently identified as one of the flag raisers (comment and link below) On Mount Suribachi during the battle of Iwo Jima, Marines “took a knee” to raise the American flag. Three of the Marines in the famous photo … Continue reading

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SCOTUS atrocity – election cheating and illegalities can be sustained as “moot”

“Moot? In murder, the victim is already dead, but we try the killer anyway.”* “the court has enabled crooks”* No conservative 6-3 Court More like 3-6 on monumental matters Or maybe on a good day 3-3-3  (3 conservative, 3 cowards … Continue reading

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Moreon “Smilin’ Joe Biden

Its not just current cops and military he is willing or programmed to shaft “These (men and women), military veterans, ex-cops, these are ‘dangerous people.” Smilin’ joe is the definition of “Smile in your face and stab you in … Continue reading

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‘Smilin’ Joe Biden — everyone is told he is Mr Nice Guy. He is not

“I LIKE ‘JOE’…HE’S A NICE GUY”… “Joe Biden is impossible not to like.” How often do you hear this…from Republican senators, political opponents, former ‘colleagues’? The answer, of course, is “often”. “Although I don’t agree with Joe on a lot … Continue reading

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