Monthly Archives: March 2019

J’accuse — Affaire de Mueller — except Mueller not innocent

This Conservative Treehouse / Last Refuge article by Sundance — What is in the full Mueller report? . . .  —  we think accurately describes the personality, the underhandedness the lies and distortions, the MO of the Swamp and their … Continue reading

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Sessions’ Huber Horowitz appointment scam?

JEFF SESSIONS WAS MORE THAN JUST A BUMBLING, INEFFECTIVE ATTORNEY GENERAL… He is apparently a treacherous phony, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people! Anybody besides the screwballs in the U S Congress (Schiff, Nadler, Swalwell, etc.) … Continue reading

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“Socialism isn’t just bad economics, it’s evil”

While the quote at top is from Don Feder his article (set forth below) makes more points about the economic effects of socialism. It is entirely worthy, however it does not delve into the moral and theological degeneracy, the root … Continue reading

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FRESHPERSON REPRESENTATIVE OCASIO -CORTEZ NOW RUNS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S SENATE CAUCUS! Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Says She Told Senate Democrats to Vote ‘Present’ on Green New Deal…And, So They Did! . . . . . . . . . . . . … Continue reading

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SNL met AOC at a party 7 years ago

The skit that anticipated Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “The girl at the party you which you hadn’t started the conversation with” The skit was seven years ago Huffpo reporting mimics SNL today AND THE DEMOCRATS WHO PRIMARILY WATCH THE SHOW WERE ENTHRALLED!! … Continue reading

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Chicago’s “First Step for Jussie” program

Mayor Emanuel blasts prosecutors’ decision to drop charges against ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett: ‘This is not on the level’  Oh, come now Rahm. This is just Chicago’s “First Step’Program”! A little different, maybe from the recently signed federal program but substantially … Continue reading

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Those “Republican” advisories to “Move On” and be magnanimous

It is the sort of thing you hear from Peggy Noonan and her path-finder / mentor David Gergen who advises Trump to forgive and forget about the Swamp’s attempt to destroy him and his voters. In Gergen’s use it is … Continue reading

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How Many Voters Will Eat the ‘Avocado’ Beto is Offering the American People? 

Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke once placed a piece of their child’s poop in a bowl and told his wife that it was an avocado.  Beto O’Rourke put turd in a bowl and told his wife it was an avocado, … Continue reading

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Mueller at the bat

Gene Mattecheck: My apologies to E.L. Thayer. The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Hillary that day: The score stood 306 to 227, with but one inning more to play, And then Wisconsin died at first, and Pennsylvania did the same, … Continue reading

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Peggy Noonan ~~ AOC is Trump’s fault

Peggy Noonanisms: verbosity characterized by an incredible disregard for history Never mind Democrat devotion to Saul Alinsky . . . isolate . . . attack . . . DEEP THOUGHTS FROM MISS PEGGY… “Congress’s Mean Girls Are Trump’s Offspring”   … Continue reading

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