Monthly Archives: October 2014

They Answer The Question – Who Are The Real Oppressors of Black Americans?

The video imbedded below was produced by Rebel Pundit and titled Chicago Activists Unchained Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward recently went on the record with RebelPundit to deliver a message to black communities … Continue reading

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Cake Instead of Pablum On Air Force One

Breitbart’s Charlie Spiering reports on President Obama serving cake to the press pool on Air Force One, Obama Cancels Press Briefing; Gives Reporters Cake “Can we give Josh the day off for Halloween?” Obama said during his brief visit to … Continue reading

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Here We Go Politicizing Halloween

Have we no respect for the sacredness of the occasion? Stilton Jarlsberg of Hope N Change did it, not us.  He also did the one that follows. 00

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Extensive Potential for Voter Fraud in Iowa & Illinois

Rock Island County – where collecting and recording is not tabulating Touch Screen errors in Rock Island (that means voting Republican) Voter Fraud  –  Iowa and Illinois vulnerable (along with most states) LaRaza making sure the word gets out Group … Continue reading


Retention Vote for Judges — It’s Your Choice

We have been asked to repeat our post providing what background information we have on judges appearing on the ballot in Scott County.  Here is the link to that September 30th post. Judges on the Ballot What does the poster … Continue reading

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Obamacare Chickens Coming Home to Roost

    This from Patriot Post drawing on a CNS article: Doctors Decline ObamaCare Plans Because They Aren’t Worth It About 214,000 doctors have opted out of providing health care to people who bought insurance through the “Affordable” Care Act’s … Continue reading

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The Chicken Poop Issue Extends Beyond Iowa

We are all aware of Bruce Baley Braley’ chickensh*t problem.  David Lightman of McClatchy Newspapers explained it:  Senate seat might turn on chicken poop and hogs    Now we have this report of an Obama official critiquing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin … Continue reading

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Is Priebus Statement That Republicans Will Fight Obama on Immigration Executive Orders Credible?

Maybe we should just take Reince’s statement as an admission that Senator Ted Cruz and Iowa’s Congressman Steve King were right . . . Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus made a dramatic statement speaking on a conference call hosted by … Continue reading

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Veritas Salad — includes local races

We agree with Rush Limbaugh . . . Republicans need to quarantine Christie. The Obama administration admits that states have the right to have their own quarantine laws but Obama pleads with states not to do so , and Republican … Continue reading

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Walton, Sullivan, Roberts: the Three Amigos of “no-nonsense” justice

If conservatives are looking to the courts for justice, I’d suggest, go to Wimbledon; you’re not likely to get it in our current legal/judicial system (note to Democrats who may have stumbled onto this site by mistake: “Wimbledon”, you know … Continue reading

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