Author Archives: Designated2

Assassination attempt on Trump

Trump OK but has grazing head wound. Not likely a ricochet.  Early reports — civilian and gunman killed.  Our condolences to reported civilian victim and prayers for Trump. Not our statement but seems apt — someone brought a gun to … Continue reading

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Given that presidential elections are determined largely by the so-called independents who “vote for the man not the party” Ask yourself, who would be easier to defeat given all we already knew about Biden’s diminished and diminishing capacities? Biden or … Continue reading

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Like Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter, I don’t see any need to watch the debate either

Kurt Schlichter’s columns are always enjoyable and a favorite of mine to riff off of,  even with occasional disagreement.  Sometimes I get to claim “that’s also what I have been saying” (just rarely as biting). There Is No Debate That … Continue reading

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Sheesh: RFK Jr says “Trump Greatest Debater in Modern History.”

Article at Red State:  Note that RFK Jr predicts there will not be a single question about COVID basically because  both Biden and Trump are vulnerable and they and CNN were cheerleaders for mRNA jabs, (Trump continually taking credit for … Continue reading

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The big debate or the big debacle

A few questions come to mind about the Biden and Trump debate this Thursday: Will it be a train wreck for one or both? Does Biden have enough control left in him to stay on track and deliver the  responses … Continue reading

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For now stop beating the dead horse — Joe Biden

Dear Republican strategists and conservative messagers: The easy punches against Biden may not be the best way this moment to guarantee Dems loose. We want all Dems to loose so go after the Dems as a party at this time. … Continue reading

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June 4th Republican primaries in Scott County – time for some changes and keep the Sheriff

Primary races for Board of Supervisors, Auditor, Sheriff, Congress.  Our endorsements are as follows: Thomas Nelson and Jennifer McAndrew Lane for Republican nominations for County Supervisor Mark Nelson for Republican nomination for County Auditor Tim Lane for Republican nomination for … Continue reading

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An early debate is an error for both Trump and Biden. Neither one was thinking.

Although more a problem for Biden –– Agreeing to debate that early was an unforced error by Trump. It was bravado in response to Biden’s bravado. Self preservation should have told Biden not to do anything that would expose him … Continue reading

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Now this is something that Democrats do that Republicans should as well

Rather than invite more vote by mail fraud and attendant verification issues — Create theater around the Trump trials – the target  being the law-fare, hypocrisy, falsities being used to get Trump. This article at The Federalist by Brianna Lyman … Continue reading

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Pence is a prig and a welching dishonorable one at that, certainly a weasel

Readers are no doubt aware that Mike Pence, former Vice- President to President Trump, who challenged him for the Republican nomination and dropped out in short order, has announced that he will not be endorsing Trump for President. He had … Continue reading

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