Monthly Archives: October 2021

School Board Elections: Support Freedom to Choose candidates

Key issues for local elections — mask/vaccine mandates and “social emotional learning (SEL) learning / critical race theory (CRT) … and a proper understanding of the “freedom to choose” campaigns Given what is now known about the ineffectiveness of masks as … Continue reading

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EMERGENCY contact Iowa legislators now – stop mandates, stop private groups financing elections

Related reading – we fully endorse: HALL: Iowans will find out in 24 hours how much legislators care about their rights, liberties and maintaining them We implore readers to this minute contact their Iowa state legislators who are meeting this … Continue reading

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Impressive campaign behind write-in candidates for Davenport School Board

Vote for Hannah Doyle and James Quinn as write-in candidates The Davenport School Board (DCSD) implemented a mask mandate the day of the deadline to file to run for the three open positions. Adjacent community school districts have not initiated mask … Continue reading

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School Board Elections — Parents’ Rights and Kids’ Health at Stake

Support the write-in candidates in the Davenport Community School Board (DCSB) election Hannah Doyle and James Quinn Concerned parents with better decision making skills than the incumbents they are running against Make Davenport an example (This post corrected – sorry about … Continue reading

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We wonder what Liz Cheney had to say about executive privilege when it came to her dad?

So if you invoke your rights in response to an accusation, invoking advice of council or other legal authority,  you must be guilty of the accusation or have something to hide  So sayeth Liz Cheney  Executive privilege is a separation … Continue reading

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“Brandonites” truly are the great uniters, in a polemic sort of way

The chant is truly phenomenal. A sign of defiance, resilience, and hope really — that people do see through this stain on America. Keep hope alive. Turn it into an everyday greeting… right up there with ~~ Nice weather we’ve … Continue reading

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Trump should have let Grassley stew in his juices awhile

It just has not been long enough since Grassley issued some serious calumny aimed at Trump (and by inference his supporters so many thousands of whom were at last Saturday’s rally in Des Moines) regarding events circa January 6th 2021 … Continue reading

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Give Us Your Opinion

CRITICAL QUESTIONS V’PAC READERS ARE BEST INFORMED TO ANSWER: 1- Who, in your opinion, is the worst U.S. Attorney  General in modern history?: a) Eric Holder b) Jeff Sessions c) William Barr d) Merrick Garland 2- Will the commission President … Continue reading

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Todd Akin RIP

Remember when the Republican Party establishment blamed the 2012 Romney loss on fallout from the Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock Senate campaigns and their inarticulate handling of the rape aspect to the abortion issue. These were the same people who then … Continue reading


At Catholic XULA or any of the other Catholic colleges so inclined – why not

Catholic university institutes Pride Week featuring drag queen ‘gayla’ And, rumor has it, they’ll present, for students’ viewing pleasure, the late term abortion of a Black’ fetus’…Live, In The Ballroom! (That’s just a rumor, ya understand? After all…it is a ‘Catholic’ … Continue reading

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