Monthly Archives: December 2017

Senator Rubio Regrets…he will not lunch today…with the GOP

Senator Rubio Regrets (perhaps he deserves the political fate of the very proper “Miss Otis’)* Sen. Marco Rubio thinks the GOP tax plan helps corporations too much   (see also our previous post) POOR MARCO: “I can’t understand it. As my … Continue reading

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Marco Krugman

Marco should be closer to Larry Kudlow Remembering his eminence Paul Krugman Sen. Marco Rubio thinks the GOP tax plan helps corporations too much CNBC relates to business economics better than its parent outlet, appropriately they seem to suppl a … Continue reading

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He Fights – Evan Sayet provides fundamental understanding of pro-Trumpism

Forwarded to us today by DC,   had it in our “to post” list for your critique back in July* First paragraph part of the forward, memes unattributed, inserted by us and not part of original publication. This is the … Continue reading

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Bi-partisanship? Forgive our Big Beautiful scoff

Silly rabbit . . . bi-partisanship is for Republicans Consider this and the following post together Rapidly becoming a favorite of ours, Wall Street columnist, Kimberley Strassel has another interesting, if not intriguing column Friday. Ms. Strassel suggests that badly … Continue reading

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Ironic choice for a fresh start

“But Singletary may face other hurdles. For starters, he resigned from office in 2012 after a female court employee filed a complaint saying Singletary had shown her photos of his genitals. “Do you like that?” he asked her, according to the Judicial … Continue reading

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Communism’s utopia — they shoot you for leaving

They call it emigration control What snow-flakes don’t know could kill them Thanks to Tom Nelson for the forwarded pictures We remember the iconic photo (at left above) of a communist soldier bolting for freedom in the sixties and the … Continue reading

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Who buys this stuff at 20 below!!!

So there I was driving along, heading for work, shivering in a pickup that would not heat up and what did my eyes see through the frosting over windshield . . . Even colder today (-6°) with windchill in the … Continue reading

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Slaver tree brought down by Trumps, Obama’s tried to prop it up

White House to remove historic Jackson Magnolia   (Washington Examiner (WE)) Story seems intended to imply that the First Lady wants the historic tree to be removed because it has been HISTORICALLY “compromised” because of the President Jackson connection. “The overall … Continue reading

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Another one of those “quality candidates” Democrats always seem to find

IT MAY BE WELL TO REFLECT UPON THE ANTICS OF LONG-SERVING DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS LIKE SHEILA JACKSON LEE, NANCY PELOSI, MAXINE WATERS, ALCEE HASTINGS, even Senator (D,Connecticut) RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (who ‘inadvertently” claimed he served in Vietnam, though he was never in … Continue reading

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For lack of Republican resolve, Obamacare will continue

Rumors of death exaggerated The analysis here is sobering and we have every confidence the Republican legislative leadership will disgracefully continue the monstrosity through various avenues of government funding rather than replace Obamacare with serious doctor – patient oriented reform. … Continue reading

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