Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Courtesans Mandarins Wannabes and Milksops of Big Government

Working for the government should not mean selling your soul Our Senior Editor dlh has often commented (lamented) the silence in the ranks of the FBI (and retirees) particularly with DC experience over all the abuses of the Obama administration … Continue reading

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So the cancel culture  gets rid of Aunt Jemima – but Planned Parenthood was a much earlier, virulent, cancel culture – of Blacks in America . . . and still going strong!                                        dlh Related reading:   Pardon … Continue reading


LeBron James – more money than sense

The ratio of dollars to sense is now up to a zillion to one, or something He plays basketball in the NBA and we all know that being a coddled gifted basketball player since grade school makes you a keen … Continue reading

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To realize . . . to dream

Read this Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation Handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok show that Obama himself directed key aspects of the campaign to target Flynn during a Jan. 5, 2017 meeting in … Continue reading

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‘The Most Massive (Vote) Fraud Scheme in History of America’

And Republicans have facilitated the concept with the one-step-removed crapola of mailing absentee voter requests to everyone on the voter rolls Two articles on topic set forth below, including . . . New Jersey vote by mail fraud Also reference … Continue reading

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Schlichter on “Your Betters for Biden”

As usual, Kurt Schlichter who is featured at Townhall does it better.  We had not seen this column yet when we posted our little tribute to Carly Fiorina yesterday.  He excoriates the “rich Republican losers” that have so bravely come … Continue reading

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Carly Fiorina probably is not worth a post . . .

But this is of note in a train-wreck sort of way.  Via Liberty Bell.  Meme’s inserted by V’Pac.   Excerpt Seriously?! You Won’t Believe Who “Republican” Carly Fiorina Just Said She’s Voting For… (Liberty Bell) – Remember Carly Fiorina, who ran … Continue reading

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Conservatives leaving Twitter for Parler

If it’s good enough for Ted Cruz . . . We intend to give Parler a try, find out if the concept is something we can now appreciate.  We never took to Twitter or Facebook as we have problems with … Continue reading

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Meme + a day at a minimum

One of our goals is to present commentary of note, bringing to your attention items we found compelling in our reading of conservative sites and to provide whatever additional attention we could bring to them.  We also try to impart … Continue reading

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Leftists trashing it, Trump standing up for America

Which Republicans have found their tongue to support him? From Gary Bauer writing today at American Values   Bold our emphasis. Image not in original Shocking Shooting Spree The carnage on America’s big city streets this weekend was shocking. InChicago, at … Continue reading

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