Local Media Malpractice
Long a motto of the Scripps Howard newspaper chain,”Give light and the people will find their own way”, hardly applies in the world of journalism today.
With the overwhelming majority of the main stream press biased toward liberalism and enablers of an increasingly leftist Democratic Party, the operative attitude is closer to: “Give the people light…and they’ll mess up our agenda”
Newspapers and most of the broadcast media frequently withhold or bury in their reporting, news which might tend to hamper their agenda to promote their liberal and anti-conservative biases. This is as true with the editors of Quad Cities’ media outlets, at least as regards national events, as it is with the media in major markets.
Veritas considers as part of its mission, and as time permits with such an overwhelming task, to challenge the local media for their liberal bias or when they serve as a pass through for that of biased news outlets. We do this in order to discredit their pretense of objectivity and to provide conservatives with information that may be used to hopefully shame editors into professionalism. We also invite our readers to submit items you believe merit our attention. Contact us via e-mail at [email protected] .
Party & Candidate Integrity
Here Veritas will set forth opinion as to the proper course of action on some matters of Republican party internal dynamics, maintaining ethical standards, protecting the Republican brand, issues regarding conflicts of interest, disclosure and campaign practices that compromise Republicans ability to attack Democrats for their endemic transgressions.
Platforms & Party Leadership
This section and related pages will focus on the importance of conservative platforms, fidelity to them, the platform process, platform theory, design and content, convention and delegate selection process, local and state central committee operations and reflections on Party leadership. Much more relevant commentary can be found in the posting category Scott County Republican Matters.
Crank’s Corner
This is where your editors will ‘cut lose’ occasionally with some trenchant comments for which on occasion it may have been better not to push “send.” These items do not necessarily reflect policy or even considered opinion. So, retaining the privilege to revise, extend, perhaps even deny our remarks . . . welcome to Crank’s Corner.
Use due diligence and do your own research. No representation is made as to the accuracy of the material linked to or to that collectively available on Web sites has included in its link categories. Not all are family friendly. Links posted may not be consistent with and its editors viewpoints on any matter. We appreciate comments and suggestions regarding our links.