Monthly Archives: May 2013

Obama Runs Away from the War on Terrorism — To The Detriment of Western Culture

By Alan Caruba “You may not be interested in war, but war may be interested in you.” — Leon Trotsky If you think about the presidents who we remember and honor the most, it is those who faced war and … Continue reading

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Quality Conscious Democrats Strike Fear In Heart Of Republican Establishment

Obama: ‘I Could Not Be More Anxious’ To Have Pelosi Back As Speaker Associated Press, CHICAGO — Returning to the town that launched his political career, President Barack Obama gave a boost Wednesday to Democrats chasing control of the House, … Continue reading

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Kermit Gosnell Is Not Alone

From  Full story here. Douglas Karpen Snipped Babies’ Necks Worse Than Gosnell, Is Anyone Noticing?   by Kristi Burton Brown | Houston, TX  5/30/13. Houston, TX (LiveActionNews) — If Americans found the Gosnell trial disturbing, there can be no words … Continue reading

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Great Quotes – And A Commanding Visual

When we are cruising the net we usually make it a point  to steer to Glenn Reynolds  at Instapundit.  We were rewarded yesterday May 29th with these insights as to why we should not be surprised with moves by the … Continue reading

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Who Is The More Conservative?

Veritas readers should read this Powerline article about Marco Rubio’s collusion with, or stooge-ification by,  Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Gang of Eight regarding the recently introduced “comprehensive” immigration bill.  It does not paint a pretty picture. By … Continue reading

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Obama Announces An End To Tornados

While touring the tornado ravaged Oklahoma City area Sunday, President Obama announced that the threat of future tornados is over. The president told his cheering throng of admirers that a nation cannot forever live in fear of violent storms. He was … Continue reading

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Journalistically Engineered News

We will try not to get too much into the weeds on the issue of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) or on the merits of Mansanto’s business practices or legal claims even though they were part of the focus of a … Continue reading

Posted in MEDIA BIAS | 1 Comment

I Have An Acquaintance . . .

I have an acquaintance who would seem to be an unlikely dupe for Obama. But then, maybe not so “unlikely”. This is a mid to late 30’s, “well”-educated, very successful, personable individual. Even in a discussion of politics, you will find him … Continue reading

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Random Pokes

I guess, just bein’ a dumb ol’ flyover country resident, I don’t know how them sophisticated, Ivy League-educated folks who rule us from Washington D.C. operate. AP CEO Calls Government Seizure of Phone Records Unconstitutional – Chill Already Felt But, … Continue reading

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Graceless — SCRCC Electoral Machinations

Fair warning:  tedious alert for this chronicle! Introduction: In an earlier post regarding the March 12 Scott County Republican Central Committee (SCRCC) election of officers I stated my impression that it was a triumph of superficiality, clubishness, hand wringing, fear … Continue reading