Monthly Archives: October 2012

Ted and Les are gone, but thank God, we still have Gary

    KWQC viewers are reminded nearly every night that lead anchorman, Gary Metevier, has “access, like never before”, to both President Obama and presidential contender, Mitt Romney. Accordingly, Veritas wonders if Mr. Metivier can possibly get the real scoop … Continue reading

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A Question For Vice-President Biden . . .

Have your brains and balls always been the size of a mustard seed? The Vice President of the United States, to a grieving father of a true American hero, on the solemn occasion of his son’s funeral, asks, “Did your … Continue reading

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How Bad Is Obama?

Bad enough to have the Des Moines Register endorse a Republican after forty years.  Bad enough to have the QC Times walk away from him. That says a lot if you are familiar with the editorial positions and content of … Continue reading

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Des Moines Register Breaks 40 Year Streak – Endorses Republican Romney

WOW! How nice it is to be wrong. The Register must have been really miffed over BO’s failure to give their Ed Board an on the record interview. Hard to believe . . . could it be that even the … Continue reading

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What KWQC and the QCT Have Failed To Ask

We cannot turn on KWQC without being “promo-ed” about the months ago “exclusive”  interview Gary “The Suit” Metivier  had with Obama.  Instead of the seriously inconsequential questions “posed” to the President – might KWQC and the QC Times  have asked … Continue reading

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Administration Press Brandishing Race Card To Help Obama

The AP is, as expected, is pulling out all the stops to drag Barack Obama across the finish line on Nov. 6, despite his spectacular failure as President:   AP Poll Majority Harbor Prejudice Against Blacks This is just one … Continue reading

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Channelling the QC Times Editorial Board

As the QC Times puts together its endorsement of President Obama for a second term, they will have many things to sanctimoniously lecture QCA’S readers about. Typically, however, they will also, reluctantly but forthrightly note some of their hero’s shortcomings…many, … Continue reading

Posted in MEDIA BIAS | 1 Comment

Barack Obama Is A Liar And Colin Powell Laps Them Up

This article in the American Thinker by Selwyn Duke is merely a lesson in how the most egregious, vile acts of Obama…things that each, by itself, would destroy the political hopes of any Republican, and even many Democrats…are a one … Continue reading

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Pundits Need To Get The Real Story Here

Most pundits, from the right and the left seem to have missed the point of the Des Moines Register flap. Bill O’Reilly and others thought the main issue was that the BO campaign had really messed up…making a semi-major newspaper … Continue reading

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The Farce Continues — You Can’t Make This Up

Jumping Jehoshaphat  who would have thought, that the Obama campaign would relent and give the Des Moines Register permission to quote his magnificent presentation to them having demurred for some hours previously. This is the actual text of the interview … Continue reading

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