Monthly Archives: March 2020

Massie treatment vs Coburn “Dr No”

We recently posted a commentary regarding criticisms pertaining to Congressman Thomas Massie’s (R,KY) brief parliamentary delay of the $2,000,000,000,000 cornavirus rescue bill. The implications of such a jaw-dropping expenditure of borrowed funds of thin air creation, however justified (we are … Continue reading

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Wuhan lite


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Chilling and noteworthy if the story is true

We note the reference in the article linked below that the statement was only “joked about” and we can’t vouch for the truth or accuracy of this story, but if factual, it is chilling and enraging, Chinese companies not known … Continue reading

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Bidens’s #2

No we are not talking about the putative Democrat presidential nominee’s campaign being in the toilet. Rather, if you are a Democrat, we are encouraging your support for MAZIE HERANO to be his VP pick. We know:  “It’s an honor … Continue reading

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Massie’s parliamentary Masada*?

Washington Examiner, refering to Rep Thomas Massie (R) (Kentucky): GOP REP’S FORCED VOTE ON THE CORONAVIRUS RELIEF BILL IS IRRESPONSIBLE MAYBE SO, BUT HEARING HIM OUT…MAYBE NOT! Like almost everyone, politicians, media figures, political junkies, regular Americans throughout the land, … Continue reading

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Another Corona(virus) Day

Notice the constant breathless updates from dominant liberal legacy media about “ONE NEW CASE OF COVID19 IN (insert name of city or county)” or  “ONE NEW CASE OF COVID19 HOSPITALIZATION IN (insert name of city or county)”  or   “ONE NEW … Continue reading

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COVID19 “Pandemic or Dempanic?”

Not our title line, but our compliments to whomever More links to informative articles The most common ways the coronavirus is transmitted  Remember when all this started about how the coronavirus could live on non-porous surfaces for a week or … Continue reading

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Links to take up part of your morning while you are social distancing

and be better informed than the purveyors of fear, isolation and economic collapse Comparing the various sequelae of flu, COVID19, cold — one might ask WTF is this all about! I have had several battles with the flu — fever … Continue reading

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End This March Madness Sooner Rather Than Later

Let V’PAC inoculate you from the viral madness Our resources are plentiful –  insightful writings accumulated by others — we winnow — you engorge With a comment or two by us here and there We do not trust “public health” … Continue reading

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What we are reading about the Wuhan virus crisis

  Recommended articles, links and excerpts. If there is some information or an article that you have run across that is instructive please forward a link. (Graphics via HP or others not part of originals) Kevin McCullough at Townhall The … Continue reading

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