Monthly Archives: December 2013

Repeal Obamacare Or We Replace You

Laura Hollis is an attorney and teaches entrepreneurship and business law at the University of Notre Dame. She wrote an outstanding article titled Obamacare Should Remind Us We Are Not ‘Subjects,’ We Are People  for the November 20th, 2013 Christian … Continue reading


Attn: Talking Points Memo for MSNBC, QC Times and all other MSM Outlets

 Ed. Note: To be read with apologies to The Screwtape Letters. Here are your talking points (TPs) for the coming one to two weeks. TP 1 — First, let’s be sure to beat the drum that Phil Robertson of Duck … Continue reading

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About — “No Fools On Republican Ticket” —

Who coulda seen that coming? It seems like only yesterday but actually it’s been a week or so that we commented on Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget negotiation “triumph”. “Disappointed” to describe our assessment regarding this “smart, conservative, acutely wise fiscal … Continue reading

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U.S. Chamber Threatens Tea Party — Insane but Telling

Yesterday Newsmax reported that: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is ready to take on the tea party in 2014 Senate primaries and elections with a deep-pocketed boost of establishment and business Republican candidates. “Our No. 1 focus is to make … Continue reading

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Townhall Collection of Quotes

Townhall columnist John Hawkins has put together a collection of The Thirty Best Quotes of 2013.   These conservative social critics have packed a lot into few words.  Thanks to TN for bringing it to our attention. 00

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Hop on the Bus, Greg, Jan, Bill, John, John, Mark * (and Gus)

The Quad City Times Editorial Board is bummed out at Governor Branstad for not giving them a toy train for Christmas.  They wanted a piece of the Amtrak boondoggle at great expense to Iowa taxpayers. We can’t decide if their … Continue reading

Posted in MEDIA BIAS | 1 Comment

Worried About How to Extend Christmas Greetings to Democrats? *

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas and Papal Page Is Here

Merry Christmas!   Your Red Ryder BB Gun is here!  Part One of Veritas Papal Reader is here! We are constrained for time to produce much else today but we have prepared Part I of our project to provide perspective for … Continue reading

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Sam Clovis Disappoints on Renewable Fuel Standard

The corn pone continues: The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a USA federal program that requires transportation fuel sold in the U.S. to contain a minimum volume of renewable fuels. Of course corn farmers and ethanol producers in Iowa love … Continue reading

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Did The Pope Take Care ?

Here it is Christmas time and we are still ticked off at the current Pope.  But God will forgive us because this is not an objection to what the Pope has (or can) claim to be as an infallible pronouncement … Continue reading

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