Monthly Archives: June 2017

Civility in Discourse? Look no further than MSNBC

A Republican’s grand strategy —  play dead in the face of liberal attacks “It’s a sad day when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.” (A statement issued by MSNBC.) … Continue reading

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Clenched fist liberals decry reference to their violence

Here is what we were greeted with this morning on AOL “News” , still the purveyor of reporting in the spirit of HuffPo*: Chilling NRA ad paints protesters as violent, calls on police to ‘stop the madness You can experience … Continue reading

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Red Hats

George Neumayr writing at American Spectator reports on the continued effort by Pope Francis to inculcate Marxist thought into the Roman Curia . Readers will note that we have provided warnings and authoritative contradictions to this trend from other popes … Continue reading

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Single payer health insurance – look to the VA

Here is a YouTube video of a brief argument against single payer by the Hoover Institution. Their healthcare category located by accessing this link has many video resources of this sort. PragerU has a related informative video: Related reading: Disgrace: … Continue reading

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Bergdahl’s use of the Comey disclaimer, Chaffetz stupid equivocation, and how Obama hides evidence

There are some stories appearing in the past week which have deeply puzzled, and mildly alarmed, your humble Veritaspac ‘staff’. As alleged by those geniuses who write for the totally discredited liberal media, we are however, uniquely ill-equipped intellectually to … Continue reading

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Stilton Jarlsberg slams Hillary and takes Kelly Ann to the woodshed in his most recent post. His family crest must include a crossed skewer and a pen. Reposted here with permission. Excerpt from commenter as well. The good news on … Continue reading

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Sunday best

Along with Clarice we post a few related memes that are out there.  The entire Feldman post is as always outstanding.  Excerpts here.  Bold emphasis ours. The DNC Scams the Suckers and Contradicts the Feds on ‘Hacking’    Daniel Greenfield  reveals … Continue reading

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How do tax incentives in Republican health plans help tax reform?

So there is a House Republican healthcare reform bill and a Senate Republican healthcare reform bill. Shall the twain ever meet?  Both are bastardized so much that neither rates authentically being referred to as repeal of Obamacare as promised. Guy … Continue reading

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Trump makes sense to us

Trump’s dig at the surveillance state Is it really so “baffling”? But what do we know Not surprising, of course, but interesting nonetheless, the Daily Beast and the Washington Post , along with various other leftie “news” outlets are continuing … Continue reading

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Trump, the boy trying to breach the swamp dike

Trump may have wandered onto the breach but we believe him sincere in helping it along, and we don’t mean stopping it. Don’t let them “zombifie” you Mr President Besides, your Deutsch not Dutch Readers will note and we appreciate … Continue reading

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