Monthly Archives: July 2017

Only the tip of the substantial vote fraud iceberg

Via Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation).  With permission. Our comments below. Graphics not in original. New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election A new bombshell study released by the Government Accountability Institute shows why President Donald Trump’s Advisory … Continue reading

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You gotta wonder . . .

By Peter Hong  of Americans for Limited Government  set forth with permission.  Bold emphasis ours, comment follows. Are Republicans paying attention? Longtime California Democrat party boss Jesse Unruh once said, “money is the mother’s milk of politics.”  Under that political … Continue reading

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Would McCain be dead with single payer, like Charlie Gard?

We note John McCain is not using the Phoenix Veterans Administration hospital, akin to a single-payer plan, in pursuit of treatment of his brian cancer.  He prefers the Phoenix Mayo Clinic.  It is nice to have a life affirming alternative … Continue reading

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Saturday Interlude


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When questionable virtue becomes just a matter of price

DLH will have more commentary about Senator McCain later but in the mean time this Gary Bauer article covers some aspects about the Senate vote on “skinny repeal” of Obamacare. We would emphasize that “the Obamacare entitlement” program cannot be … Continue reading

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You know it could be on the way, for real?

NY Times (any day now?): NEW STUDY FINDS OUR MILITARY FACING A  SERIOUS SHORTAGE OF MASOCHISTS, CROSS DRESSERS, AND FETISHISTS Congressional Democrats, moderate Republicans pushing bill to shift Defense funds from weapons development  to enhanced recruitment efforts to fill underrepresented … Continue reading

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No Transgenders in Military — The No Nonsense Trump

Senator Ernst is just wrong We have railed against the waste of money, mission-focussed training and resources imposed on the inadequately funded military for some time. And we have been shocked by how 24 “Republicans” could vote against the “Hartzler … Continue reading

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McCain’s speech

Sorry Senator, the institution and what its rules and traditions of late have produced just ain’t that great “Compromise” of the Constitution (or toward big government) is no virtue The Democrat Party does not mean the institution well. Arizona Senator … Continue reading

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An editorial… DONE WITH THE DONALD ? It now seems likely that President Trump will fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. If, indeed, that happens, it is doubtful that I can any longer support Mr. Trump. Let’s say, I will have … Continue reading

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WaPo gets the sleaze award of the week; Drudge should have said so

IF characterization is in order — news aggregator Drudge does it all the time by renaming articles while employing active links to the original —  AND if as communications theorist Marshall McLuhan maintained “media is the message” (and the massage),* … Continue reading

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