Monthly Archives: January 2014

Proposed Immigration Reform = Political Disaster

The head strong but brain dead rush by Republicans Boehner, Ryan and Cantor to implement an immigration “reform” plan is exposed by Erick Erickson and Daniel Horowitz writing at RedState. Based on past experience there is no reason to doubt … Continue reading

Posted in IMMIGRATION | 3 Comments

Immediate Attention – Stop the 50% Gas Tax Hike In Iowa

We pay 20 cents in state taxes already for every gallon of gasoline we buy, but politicians in Des Moines think we should pay 50% more  to save them from their inability to prioritize. We will have more on this … Continue reading

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The O’ Factless . . . and the O’ So Fashionable

On the holiest of all secular holidays . . . Probably out of deep gratitude for having been granted audience with His Highness Barack Obama on Super Bowl Sunday, Bill O’Reilly did one of his patented pandering performances last night. … Continue reading

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Immigration Reform – Don’t

National Review  has excellent advice in response to reports that Speaker Boehner is intent on pushing comprehensive immigration reform through the House in coming weeks — in  a word, don’t . The analysis of the NR editors is solid.  Our … Continue reading

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The State Of Obama’s America — Gary Bauer

Excerpts from Gary Bauer’s Campaign for Working Families End of Day Report, today, (posted with permission): As Barack Obama prepares to deliver his sixth State of the Union address, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that the state … Continue reading

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A dedicated reader sends the following with regard to tonight’s scheduled State of the Union message. * Michele will have “Jason” the gay NBA player in her box (so to speak) at the SOTU tonite. I think it’s just a … Continue reading

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Oh the Humanity!

Thanks to DP                 A wag friend of mine sent this knowing that we will approach  -17 deg. F tonight (not a record by the way) and wind chill readings to -40.   We … Continue reading

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Republican National Committee Affirms that Pro-life is a Winning Position

Republican National Committee affirms that pro-life is a winning position, counsels pro-life candidates not to stay silent when attacked with “war on women” rhetoric. A report on the resolution is also available from Conservative News Service:          … Continue reading

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The Devos Crowd, The Pope, & “Unfettered’ Markets

Consider the following excerpts from an LA Times article by Michael Hiltzik: In an address to the CEOs and assorted financial hangers-on gathered this week in Davos, Switzerland, for the annual World Economic Forum, he admonished that “modern business activity,” … Continue reading

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This Is History, And We’re Stick’n To it

A classic that has appeared again from over the transom.  Thanks to DC   For those who don’t know about history … Here is a condensed version: Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers.  They lived … Continue reading

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