Monthly Archives: February 2016

Pope’s Biblical and practical wrongness

Don Feder, a conservative Jew who is not shy about projecting Biblical truths in the secular media, writes a trenchant article about Pope Francis’ misguided remarks during  his recent trip to the US and Mexican border.    Re-posted with permission from … Continue reading

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Oscars — we really shouldn’t bother

We will admit to switching over in anticipation of the tail end of the Oscar presentations last night.  We had seen two of the best picture nominees — “Bridge of Spies”  and “Spotlight” and were curious. Sometimes it is interesting … Continue reading

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Notes from the weekend

For us, the biggest disappointment of the campaign so far is today’s Jeff Sessions endorsement of Trump. Sara Palin’s disregard for Cruz was disappointing but not all that consequential. Sessions’ amounts to a betrayal, and while we are not sure … Continue reading

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Trump vs Rubio – it isn’t bean-bag

Without intent to overdo it, here are some “complaints” about Trump and Rubio from each camp, including commentary about the reasons for Christie’s endorsement of Trump.. Christie Endorsement Payback to Rubio for Attacks  Chris Christie’s endorsement Friday of Donald Trump … Continue reading

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Was last night’s Republican debate too late?

We missed last night’s Republican debate but may try to watch it this weekend. From what we have read and the snippets we have heard other candidates are collectively taking the gloves off in response to Trumps bluster. That Rubio … Continue reading

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An introduction to the creation of Donald Trump

The utter disdain America feels for the political class has deep and abiding origins.  Here we present dear readers an initial grounding, the source of all wisdom.  We will issue more exegesis in coming days as the spirit moves us. … Continue reading

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Yeh, well put this in your pipe and smoke it

With God As My Witness, I Will Never Vote For Donald Trump My, my, what a dramatic, impassioned  pronouncement from Mr. Rick Wilson. Let me say, “Rick”, that,  with the same deity looking on, I will never vote for Marco … Continue reading

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Got STD’s? . . . no matter . . . the food and hospitality industries await you

Anybody see a problem with this? From a Daniel Greenfield article —  Obama Welcomes More STDs to America: As Neil Young or was it Neil Diamond once sang, “Got chancroid to take them there, they’re coming to America. Just some … Continue reading

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Veritaspac , Obama and Reid agree !! . . .

Mitch McConnell is a weak sister! Obama predicts GOP will cave on high court pick This must be the first time President Obama and VP are on the same page. We agree that Mitch will fold. Obama will pick the … Continue reading

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The Strategy

EVIDENCE OF SOME SPINAL TISSUE…OR JUST ANOTHER GOP ESTABLISHMENT PLOY? On Tuesday, Republican Party’s paragon of leadership, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell along with Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley announced that there will be no confirmation hearings for … Continue reading

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