Monthly Archives: June 2016

J. Edgar Comey

HOW MANY OF US ARE TIRED OF HEARING WHAT A ‘STANDUP GUY’ JAMES COMEY IS? Want to know where his FBI investigation of Hillary is going? Think FBI’s investigation of IRS. Comey’s Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald charged ‘Scooter’ Libby for “obstruction” … Continue reading

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Three stories underscore the lack of integrity of the GOP leadership . . .

and certain of the caucus members, Iowa’s Chuck Grassley excepted. IF THESE STORIES DON’T MAKE YOU FURIOUS  . . .  Believe it or not, we are pretty much run out of words to express our contempt for these people. But … Continue reading

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Willful collaboration by the media

Thanks to them, that is how Obama gets away with so much —  Islamatization, irresponsibility, willfulness. Item — Islamist infiltration One of the worst kept secrets in the Beltway… the Muslim Brotherhood’s deep penetration into our government. Michele Bachman was … Continue reading

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Mr. Roskam Regrets . . .

Upon new revelations of illegal actions on the part of  former IRS official Lois “I plead the Fifth Amendment”  Learner,” IRS Congressional overseer Peter Roskam responds. It is a statement that is either the understatement of the year or grotesquely … Continue reading

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The “Kathleen Parker of the Catholic Church”

Those poor folks in Sodom and Gomorrah are certainly owed an apology from somebody. Surely they found all that “fire and brimstone” somewhat “offensive”. The latest from His Holiness, Via Reuters: Pope says Church should ask forgiveness from gays for … Continue reading

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May the Brexit man win

Very interesting, but I won’t take the time to develop it into a commentary. However, readers might find it somewhat intriguing…at least for the WSJ. In today’s edition, columnists Wm. McGurn and our old buddy, Bret Stephens seem to be … Continue reading

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Another SCOTUS abortion travesty

Yesterdays Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision striking down a Texas’ statute protecting women’s health undergoing abortion was another assault on the Constitution and common sense. Why shouldn’t outpatient surgical abortion facilities be subject to the same regulations as other outpatient surgical … Continue reading

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Gun magic

We agree with this analysis by Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist (excerpts below). We will demonstrate some of the points visually using our own “resources.” Bold in the excerpts from his article is our emphasis. His article has much … Continue reading

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Brexit — The Tea Kettle Rebellion

Mixing metaphors — the seemingly trite things that paint a big picture and serve as the straw that breaks the camels back One can learn more about the inherent evils of the EU in this column from Clarice Feldman at … Continue reading

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All election/referendum votes are not created equal

Don’t rule out a second EU referendum, says Tony Blair as more than THREE MILLION sign petition demanding a re-run and Labour MP calls for Commons to overturn result  MAKE A NOTE OF THIS, CONSERVATIVES. IF WE DON’T LIKE HILLARY’S … Continue reading

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