Brexit — The Tea Kettle Rebellion

Screen Shot 2016-06-26 at 11.45.28 PMMixing metaphors — the seemingly trite things that paint a big picture and serve as the straw that breaks the camels back

One can learn more about the inherent evils of the EU in this column from Clarice Feldman at American Thinker than from any other truth-filled, honest news source there is. This is powerful stuff which even many opponents of the EU know or are aware of.

On Brexit: Just Call Me Cassandra   (excerpts Feldman’s article regarding the sentiment behind the decision by England to exit the European Union )

I think there have been many great post-referendum analyses, but my favorite is Daniel Greenfield’s, which I urge you to read in its entirety.

Every propaganda gimmick was rolled out. Brexit was dismissed, mocked and ridiculed. It was for lunatics and madmen. Anyone who voted to leave the benevolent bosom of the European Union was an ignorant xenophobe who had no place in the modern world. And that turned out to be most of Britain.

While Londonistan, that post-British city of high financial stakes and low Muslim mobs, voted by a landslide to remain, a decisive majority of the English voted to wave goodbye to the EU. 67% of Tower Hamlets, the Islamic stronghold, voted to stay in the EU. But to no avail. The will of the people prevailed. . . .

I particularly love the sneering way those interviewed on the BBC as the night wore on — and the globalists’ doom seemed assured — attributed their loss to badly educated people. I mean, who educated them? Miners, fishermen, farmers, small shopkeepers, or the elites who control the maleducation machinery here and there?      . . .   )


B. Elections Turn on Many Things. Here are some other factors besides disgust with Multinationalism

1. Immigration.
2. The War On Tea Kettles

OGLmWn61vSdqHNKw5bt3mv3lHYzor0Bp04n2KQlH6iN7yrVJx0cycuJA93w6G9LaPqpC=s85Besides rendering countless British fishermen unemployed by fishing regulations, the thing that seemed to annoy most British voters was the threat to ban the ubiquitous high-powered electric tea kettles. Threats to ban them caused a rush to buy more of them — and other small appliances, l

Widespread objection induced the EU to halt implementation of the teakettle diktat in February but they didn’t shelve it, just cynically pushed it back until after the referendum.

That there was nothing too small for the EU to tax and regulate was made clear by this effort to regulate every household appliance from light bulbs to vacuum cleaners to hair dryers, but striking at the beloved electric tea kettle seemed to really ignite voters.

Topic heads from Feldman’s article summarize reasons and are fleshed out in it:

3. The Certainty of even More and More Disturbing Power Grabs by the EU

4. The Cost to Britain of Keeping this Undemocratic Nonsense Afloat

5. The Youth Vote

How quickly will Britain actually exit the EU and how many states will follow in its wake is still unclear. I predict the split will come sooner than the two-year period set out in Article 50 of the EU Constitution and that other states will follow on. The EU’s fate is far from clear. I certainly think it will fare worse than the UK, which will long outlive it.

For the beneficently compensated gang in Brussels, this has got to be a tragedy. In the meantime, they can amuse themselves by taking advantage of the free monthly ration of Viagra for which all EU officials are reimbursed.

We found the reference to widespread resentment over the EU Tea Kettle edict to be plausible as a catalyst for the results of the vote.  Insightful stuff, many quotes and anecdotes from the election and the build-up. Worthy to read in its entirety.


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