Monthly Archives: June 2014

Corn for Gasohol Drying Up Water Tables?

Concerns over “global warming”  now more obscurely referred to as “climate change,” allowed opportunistic King Corn / Big Ethanol to jump on the bandwagon, align with Big Green and cash in on the craziness. They were so successful that taxpayers … Continue reading

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Joy Abounds!

Republicans and political pundits on the right are ecstatic these days. The Supreme Court has delivered a unanimous rebuke to President Obama, “settling a Constitutional showdown over presidential power” reported the Wall Street Journal on Friday. The Court ruled 9 … Continue reading

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Should Democrats Be Allowed to Have Guns?

This came in over the transom today, thanks to RD.  I understand it has been around awhile. Are there any refutations? Please advise.  In the mean time I did pick up on a few more to add (see add section) … Continue reading

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Immigration Reform — Dead or Zombie Like?

Various political sites are reporting that lawmakers and advocates on both sides of the issue are saying attempts to push immigration reform through Congress are dead and unlikely to be considered until after President Obama leaves office. Reasons often cited … Continue reading

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Mississippi Burning

Despicable RINO tactics How is it that the candidate who received the most Republican votes in a Republican primary runoff election does not get the nomination?   Answer: When the pathetic “winning” candidate and the K Street interests propping him up … Continue reading


Third District Race Advances “Everyone’s Second Choice”

The special convention of Republican Third District delegates was held Saturday to decide on a Republican nominee for the congressional seat vacated by retiring Republican Tom Latham.  David Young, a former chief of staff to Charles Grassley and fifth place … Continue reading

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More About The False Narrative of No WMD’s

Our article yesterday supplied some links and commentary regarding the continuing boneheadedness of those commentators and newsies on the right who repeat the leftist dogma that Bush lied about WMD’s in Iraq and that none were found, not already known … Continue reading

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Repeating the False Narrative of No WMD’s

Alicia Colon writing in Jewish World Review has a very worthwhile article titled            Right wing dementia on Iraq in full swing .  Along with her, we have also noticed ,with growing irritation,  some conservative commentators, and regular news reports, parroting … Continue reading

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Obama the Manchurian?

This is a very good, succinct recap of Obama’s various treacherous (but “whimsical”?) antics. No recap can be complete, however, because there’s just too much for people to absorb and recall. Nevertheless, having watched and read the narratives spun by the … Continue reading

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Parody is Impossible

Parody is impossible today. Read this editorial from the Las Vegas Review Journal and tell me that any of the most outlandish, ridiculous, outrageous, illegal or unconstitutional acts by this government must be satire and can’t possibly be true. The … Continue reading

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