Monthly Archives: April 2021

Rudy’s words about the FBI raiding his home for “evidence”

The sheepishness Rudy describes just proves how pathetic the FBI has become, down to the street level How they are now a political arm of the “law” (swamp) The stuff they got, they had or they could have asked him … Continue reading

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Iowa should adopt Idaho language and move on

Banning “critical race theory” is banning racism Banning “critical race theory” is banning precursor to racial spoils Banning “critical race theory” is banning neo-segregation 1619 project should be “targeted” Republican Iowa legislature caught up in trying to fine tune something … Continue reading

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A little gratitude? An update!

Teen whose life saved by Columbus police officer identified NY Times liberal columnist, Bret Stephens writes: “An alternative view: Maybe there wasn’t time for Officer Reardon, in an 11-second interaction, to “de-escalate” the situation, as he is now being faulted … Continue reading

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It’s happening here

One might argue a point or two in the links below however the themes we feel are accurate  . . . and fearful. Patriots must resist while we still have the political ability to do so and the clout to … Continue reading

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Three areas where defunding police makes sense

There is, in all this analysis of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt another point that needs to be made. Every day, the voices of radical leftists…the wildly immature, well-indoctrinated Boston University “economics major”, AOC, the potty-mouthed (remember telling her young … Continue reading

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Every institution the radical left touches turns to sh*t

These two article we think provide exceptional insights into the left’s thinking  and the social disease it produces. At The Federalist: Black Cop: Lies About ‘Institutional Racism’ Are Making America More Violent Anti-police rage is also endangering Americans: ‘A lot … Continue reading

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Killer of Ashli Babbitt exonerated and Capitol cops allowed to kill anonymously

Hypocrisy reigns with the left ANONYMOUS Killer of Ashli Babbit exonerated! (see story below commentary) Without his identity even disclosed, the “Justice” Dept. “investigated” and seemed to find “no problem that an unarmed, white, military veteran female was gunned down … Continue reading

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Stupid and evil — the same effect

Victor Davis Hanson att he Daily Signal  (Heritage Foundation) How Much Ruin Do We Have Left? As Americans know from their own illustrious history, any nation’s well-being hinges on only a few factors. Its prosperity, freedom, and overall stability depend … Continue reading

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Aunt Maxine is too valuable to kick out of Congress

And I mean that sincerely.  Congresswoman Maxine Waters  is one of the preeminent reflections of what it means to be a Democrat today, and why would Republicans want to lose that?  Why would we want a more subtle evil doer … Continue reading

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Will Senators Grassley and Ernst apologize for parroting lies and spin about Jan 6th

Here we review rather pathetic, unfounded, hollow, statements from Iowa’s US Senators that are reflective of DC establishment pearl clutching if not animosity toward Trump and his voters.   Their troubling statements indicate they paid more attention to liberal lies and … Continue reading

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