Monthly Archives: March 2018

Caligiuri primary write-in?

Looks like Ginny Caligiuri will run as write-in for Republican nomination But not in the general as such if she loses nomination Earlier this week we wrote of the disheartening turn of events regarding the Republican primary in Iowa’s 2nd … Continue reading

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Unexcused absenses

Perhaps this has more meaning regarding the future of this nation and its adherence to Constitutionally guaranteed ‘free speech’ provisions than all of the Roseanne and David Hogg scripted shows.   News and commentary below. —————————————————  Student Launches Pro-Life Walkout: ‘I … Continue reading

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Boycotting Laura Ingraham . . . hardly responsible management!

Subjecting themselves to being jacked around by every liberal axe-grinder Why did they advertise there in the first place? Talk show hosts say something everyday someone gets overwrought about Conservative consumers can play the game “A growing number of companies … Continue reading

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Believing The One will come again

CAN OBAMA RESCUE THE DEMOCRATS? While Barack Obama revels in the perks of post-presidency, the Democratic base longingly wonders if he’ll ever again direct his gaze their way. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? “Think of it, treasure the memory: A president … Continue reading

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Evangelical SoCons not keeping eye on ball

Epic fail – not enough valid signatures on necessary petitions for Caligiuri candidacy The thing is, “neverTrumper” that he is, Republican nomination candidate Christopher Peters is not very popular with any  party/no-party voting block, Where were the champions of the … Continue reading

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One question helps insure one citizen – one vote

About the controversy (controversial as per the usual suspects) of Trump’s announced  directive to include a citizenship question in the next census The census in modern times has included questions in order to garner data for a variety of purposes, … Continue reading

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McCain to burnish his appeal as “favorite Republican” . . . of Democrats

Personal opinion on the life and times of…; McC has been a far more “forceful critic” of Trump and fellow Republicans than he ever was of Obama “While McCain has not been seen in public for some months, his daughter … Continue reading

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Omnibus: Glass half full of bitter brew … or half empty … or …?

 . . .  a stratified concoction like when you make your own Arnie Palmer? But trying to draw from one level with a straw only works for a few sips Below are two differing views regarding one stratus –  the … Continue reading

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Suspicion confirmed, Bolton needed

OBVIOUSLY BOLTON IS A GREAT CHOICE…MATTIS DOESN’T LIKE HIM! Easy Way To Solve That, ‘There’s the Door, Mad Dog…’ When there is as much media vehemence toward a Trump appointment, you know it must be a great one. A “pro-war” … Continue reading

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Stop the Obamaclones, please

“If I could do that effectively, then — you know — I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas,” Obama said. “Or, the next group of people who could take that … Continue reading

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