Monthly Archives: February 2013

Short Takes

From Fox News Today 2-28-13 :  Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) claimed today that “over 170 million jobs” could be lost due to sequestration. Later in the presser, Rep. Waters corrected herself, saying it was only “750,000 jobs” that could be … Continue reading

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Hagel Affair — EmbarASSment All Around

All the grandstanding and posturing is over. In the finest traditions of GOP fecklessness and incompetence, America has a new Secretary of Defense. A man who admitted that his only role in this critical post is to carry out the … Continue reading

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A Really, Really Likeable Guy

Talk about the sequester to most people and their eyes glaze over.  Most do not know what it even refers to. That controversy, which they could not even define, and everything else about politics seems so petty to them and  … Continue reading

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Obama’s Sequester Cynicism – Gary Bauer

from Gary Bauer’s Campaign for Working Families End of Day Report 2-26-13 In yesterday’s report I warned that in spite of the sequester’s miniscule size compared to the overall federal budget, Barack Obama is determined to make the cuts as … Continue reading

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Crumbs Milady . . . Alms Please . . . Alms

America’s “Evita” has been so proud of her country for the past five years. Prior to that, it is fair to say, our nation’s FLFL (First Lady For Life) hopeful was pretty miserable. But now, that’s all changed. She’s able … Continue reading

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There’s A Lot That Should Baffle Debbie Wasserman Schultz

There’s a lot of comedy material coming out of the Obama administration and the media with respect to sequestration these days. Sadly, it’s not intended to be funny. It just is, funny and very sad. Obama’s speech last week, with … Continue reading

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The Memory Span of Fungus by Alan Caruba

Editor’s note: This article from Alan Caruba fits very well with the observation by our illustrious senior editor DLH who has long maintained that the reason Obamaites get away with murder, figuratively, and some would argue literally, is because one … Continue reading

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Whistle Blower Case Against Planned Parenthood Detailed, on Appeal

In a communication last July from Iowa Right to Life Committee (IRLC)  we were informed that  “Sue Thayer, former manager of Planned Parenthood’s Storm Lake and LeMars clinics, has sued Planned Parenthood under both the federal and Iowa False Claims … Continue reading

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Deserves A Standing Ovation

We’ve complained about no Republican forcefully making the conservative case. Well, here’s Rand Paul doing that very thing, very well. But . . . this originated on FOX and is reported in the Washington Examiner. What kind of reportage do … Continue reading

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Obam’s Cabinet Full Of Corruption, Media Enablers

“Move along, nothing to see here.”     Here’s another revelation soon to be put in that bulging file. To suggest that former EPA head, Lisa Jackson, is the most corrupt member of the Obama administration really does a disservice … Continue reading

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