Monthly Archives: March 2014

Early Polling Says Democrats are in Trouble in 2014

Can / will Republican leadership press the advantage? Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on current Pew Research findings. The Demographics Behind the Democrats’ 2014 Troubles: The (Democrat) party is losing support among whites, millennials and independents. According to the article, … Continue reading

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Liberal Bob Kerrey Calls Obama a Delusional Liar

This is compelling. I’ve never much cared for Kerrey (there’s a slogan to run on . . . “Cared for Kerrey”), but I digress. The former Nebraska Senator, Governor and war hero is one of the more thoughtful, articulate liberals… … Continue reading

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Aronofsky’s No-account Atrocity

Regarding Noah the movie starring Russell Crow directed by Darren Aronofsky . . . We were sort of hoping for a Cecil B DeMille extravagant Biblical epic. Forget it. KK who is very studied in the Bible started cringing early … Continue reading

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Richard Viguerie Plots TAKEOVER

Direct mail guru and conservative activist Richard Vigourie has written a new book Takeover : The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It. From a review by Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and … Continue reading

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Veritas Salad — We Are Doomed

From Hot Air, via WM,  and no it isn’t a joke: McCain: I want to name America’s new immigration reform law after Ted Kennedy From Michelle Malkin, and no it doesn’t really scratch the surface:  A whole lotta Democrat corruption … Continue reading

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The Pope and Obama — So Who’s Shuck’n and Jive’n Who?

Pope Francis and President Obama had a meet and greet today at the Vatican. Normally we would believe the Pope or any defense of the Pope vis-`a-vis Barack Obama. But today’s AP wire juxtaposed with the Vatican version has managed … Continue reading


Pithy Posters

While we work on some other expose’s, reports, and projects — an interlude of insightful and occasionally disrespectful stuff that has come in over the transom.  Thanks to DP, VM and LMAO. 00

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One Strange Fund Raising Letter for Mark Jacobs

This Mark Jacobs fund raising e-mail came to us today.  It is also available here.  The Jacobs campaign letter neglects to provide a link to the Washington Times article it depends on for its authority. That might seem at first … Continue reading

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Bruce Braley Steps in it Big Time . . .

His “farmer” statement means Clunker Braley is now running against Chuck Grassley and whoever the Republican senate nominee will be. This afternoon GOP opposition research firm America Rising, posted a video showing putative Democrat senate nominee Bruce Braley speaking to … Continue reading

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No Bang for the Education Buck — Iowa and the Nation

Patriot Post has a useful summary of a March 18th, 2014 Cato Institute Policy Analysis State Education Trends, The Cato study was authored by Andrew J. Coulson.  The Patriot Post summary includes the Cato Institute chart of consolidated state spending, … Continue reading

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