Monthly Archives: November 2012

Tax Dollars Gone With the Wind

Iowa’s most prominent Republicans are in full tilt propping up wind mills, however not in quixotic fashion, as they are likely to be successful. And that is unfortunate for tax payers. Senator Chuck Grassley, Governor Branstad and Congressman Steve King  … Continue reading

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Scott County Repubs — Don’t Forget Who Is Holding Up The Tent Polls

A day or so after our post in these pages  The Road to Restoration  Scott County Republican Central Committee members received an e-mail from Chairwoman Judy Davidson stating in part “the need to assess how we can better reach out … Continue reading


Victor David Hanson — Provides A Good Start to Understanding the Election

No column has done better than this in summarizing, in great detail (an oxymoron?), where the American majority’s psyche is today and how it has been shaped. Victor Davis Hanson’s problem identification and solutions are rather abstract but this article … Continue reading

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Election Evaluation Continues After Thanksgiving Respite

A long Thanksgiving weekend spent with family and friends was an opportunity to tune out politics to some extent (although never far from our thoughts), clear the head a bit and catch up on some chores.  But now we are … Continue reading

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Poor and Middle Class First Ones Over The Fiscal Cliff

“Low income families would be hit hardest if White House and Congress fail to solve the “fiscal cliff” crisis”! You won’t see any reference to it in the media certainly, but does anyone on the planet recall the past 8 … Continue reading

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Republicans / Democrats / Republicrats — We Can Win This!

Republicans are “soul searching” these days in the aftermath of their shocking, to some, loss in the 2012 elections. That’s according to the latest report from the  Associated Press who is quite distraught over the GOP’s misfortune. “We were clearly … Continue reading

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One Picture With Words — Worth A Thousand Sentences

Liberal Logic 101 is the name of a great conservative website with conservative / liberal comparisons and just plane trenchant examples of liberal logic.  Here are few examples.  The website is linked as well in our blog listings at right. … Continue reading

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California is Destroying Itself. The U.S. is Next. by Alan Caruba

There’s a very entertaining, but terrifying book by Laer Pearce, “Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State—How California is destroying itself and Why It Matters to America.” I recommend everyone read it because it lays out the template for why California … Continue reading

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Petraeus the Performer?

American Thinker has a very interesting article starting first with the military culture and rank scandal and transitioning to the author’s analysis of     (now CIA Director) Petraeus’s performance in Afghanistan / Iraq and his actual merits for the world stage.  … Continue reading

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The Road to Restoration

The delays in our posting more of the what-fores and why-fores and that what-to-do-nows regarding the election are the result of trying to assimilate more of the  cogent but often divergent analysis out there and trying to reconcile them.  All … Continue reading

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