Monthly Archives: March 2013

EPA: “Election’s Over, Let’s Roll”

The Wall Street Journal ran a story Friday reporting that the EPA is preparing to issue “tough new standards” to cut pollution from cars. The agency wants to reduce the amount of sulfur in gasoline by 65%. Refiners say that … Continue reading

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A Carbon Tax Would Destroy America — By Alan Caruba

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 If you want to know what a carbon tax on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would do to America you need only look at the destruction of industry and business in Australia, along with the soaring … Continue reading

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Republican Party at Risk

Crank’s column, posted yesterday, came to me several days ago. The sentiment expressed is part of a broader political sentiment to which The Crank in reality is often ahead of the curve. The Republican Party is at huge risk.  Elements … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 1 Comment

Monumental Statements: Guns, Marriage and the Constitution

The Hill reported yesterday that Senators Ted Cruze (R- TX) Rand Paul (R- KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) regarding continued attempts by Democrats to implement gun … Continue reading

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The Crank Ponders

Maybe, for me, the time has come. Has anything the Republican Party ever done in its history which got the incredible amounts of news coverage, commentary, and “free publicity” as its release of its “exhaustive” study of “what killed the GOP?”? The … Continue reading

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Benghazi Coverup

The term “chilling” when it comes to a latest story about some action, or inaction, by the Obama regime, has become overused. Not because it is an inappropriate term to apply to the actions, or inactions. Rather because, the instances … Continue reading

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Pertinent Question For The Gunphobic Liberal Media

Gene Boyd of Davenport wrote the following letter to Mark Ridolfi  editorial page editor of the QC Times. He awaits acknowledgement as to when it will be printed.  We appreciate the intellectual challenge it extends. Mark: This is a story … Continue reading

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When Absurd Is A Compliment — CO2 Regulations

Absurd does not do our government justice.  Full story from WND here. “The U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to review a case that alleges the Environmental Protection Agency broke the rules in 2009 to describe carbon dioxide, which is … Continue reading

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The Base Is Cranky

If the “Whacko Birds” have taken over the GOP it comes as a great relief to me. Why would this come as a relief to somebody who supports the GOP you ask?  Because the “Whacko Birds” as McCain called them … Continue reading

Posted in CRANK'S CORNER | 8 Comments

More On GOP Growth & Opportunity Project

More observations to come regarding the so called GOP autopsy report commissioned after the 2012 elections.  But so far the best line is from our own contributor Susan Frazer, to wit: It reads like someone padding a term paper. 00

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