Category Archives: CRANK’S CORNER

La Priza

From Douglas Herz at The American Thinker “While Republicans and conservatives have been busily painting Obama as weak and indecisive internationally, Obama has in turn sized them up as even weaker. As it turns out Obama’s seeming impotence was only … Continue reading

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Crank’s Corner – Crank Responds to Previous Post

Thanks to Stilton Jarlsberg at for the use of the panels to help us illustrate the following submission: In attempting to characterize the current part-time occupant of the White House, given the choices offered in the last DLH post, … Continue reading

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Boehner Tantrum Makes Conservatives More Than Cranky

Speaker Boehner’s made comments before a Rotary Club function in his Ohio district mocking  fellow Republicans regarding immigration reform legislation.  Apparently they are not enthusiastic enough for him to present the legislation to them. It was as if they were … Continue reading


The Crank At His Best — Ryan’s Hopeless

At the very start of budget negotiations, the GOP’s tough, savvy bargainer, Paul Ryan, extracted a commitment from his Democrat counterpart, Sen. Patty Murray. And, while nearly all of her Party’s demands were met in the course of the often … Continue reading

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Crank’s Up

I’ve never thought Mitch McConnell has ever said anything particularly memorable or eloquent. But his comment yesterday seems to me to say it all about the dangerous, lying  fraud now residing in the White House. In responding to Obama’s admission … Continue reading

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Victory is Mine!

GOP Mitch McConnell CLAIMS MAJOR VICTORY IN BUDGET BATTLE! Republicans today found it difficult to contain their joy after achieving a major victory over President Obama and Congressional Democrats with the debt deal passed yesterday. Although the deal included a … Continue reading

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Its War You Idiots — Michael Ledeen

In this post we will mix war, religion, and the state of political leadership at the local level across too much of the state and country. Writing at PJ Media Michael Ledeen walks us through the convoluted Obamanation  Middle East … Continue reading

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Cranking Up

If there is any semi-thoughtful person who thinks that this country is not now under the rule of a megalomaniacal dictator, they just aren’t paying attention. Congress (Issa) has admitted on television that it is unable to stop Obama’s corruption … Continue reading

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Marco . . . The New Favorite Of The GOP Establishment

Crank asks . . . what else will Rubio be rolled on? Victor Davis Hanson writes today in National Review Online: Does being on public assistance years after arrival in this country, like the Tsarnaev family, no longer qualify a … Continue reading

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What About “Sanctuary Cities”, Marco . . . And Unicorns?!

To think that I once regarded Marco Rubio as the Great Hope of the conservative movement. What a misjudgment that has apparently turned out to be! I caught much of an interview Rubio did on Wednesday with Mark Levin, on … Continue reading

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