What About “Sanctuary Cities”, Marco . . . And Unicorns?!

liberal-intelligence-liberal-democrat-illegal-immigration-st-political-poster-1306900168To think that I once regarded Marco Rubio as the Great Hope of the conservative movement. What a misjudgment that has apparently turned out to be!

I caught much of an interview Rubio did on Wednesday with Mark Levin, on the topic of the “Gang of Eight’s” immigration bill proposal, of which Rubio was a key player. Either Senator Rubio has completely sold out to the Beltway crowd, including the GOP establishment, business interests, organized labor, and Chuck Schumer, or he is the most naive youngster in public life.

I’m inclined to think it’s the former. As he described all the wonders of the proposed 800 page piece of legislation, he brushed aside Levin’s concerns about why this law would be enforced any better or more so than all the other immigration laws on the books.

“Well, ’cause we really mean it this time”, he seemed to be saying. He recited all the  “tough” compliance provisions “Big Sis” would have to meet. I didn’t hear much about the certainty that Eric Holder would find any part of this bill  he didn’t like any more “Constitutional” than other laws he’s either defied or refused to defend.

Experts will be much better analyzing all this than me,*  but there is one item I did not hear Senator Rubio, or anyone else on either side of this issue, address: What about the matter of “Sanctuary Cities”…those obviously illegal liberal Democrat enclaves where all federal immigration law is arrogantly and aggressively defied…and  supported in their lawlessness by the Justice Department.

I’ll bet Senator Rubio and the ‘Gang of Ate” ( er, “Eight”) have some pretty strong sanctions to prevent establishment of SC’s in the future…yeah, right.

Rubio is flogging this proposed legislation because, “even if there was not one illegal
immigrant in the country today, it would still be necessary because our  present immigration system is broken…”.

This time, he assures us, it’s going to be fixed because we’re going to have tough new laws. Acknowledging that our current laws aren’t being  enforced, our young Senator is convinced that the same people who defy  current laws are going to enforce new laws. Ain’t youthful naivete  wonderful?                  DLH

PS –  The Daily Caller reports that the bill contains 400 waivers, exceptions and exemptions, replete with the use of the terms  “discretion” or “discretionary” 41 times.

It mentions “judge” or “judges” 73 times, and mentions “secretary” 1018 times, normally as the people who decide whether to apply a waiver, exemption, determination or exception.   Yep, a solid piece of legislation providing a definitive solution to the problem .

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