Monthly Archives: May 2022

Empty positions on party primary ballot — Republican reticence means lost opportunity

Empty positions on party primary ballot — Republican reticence means lost opportunity Reviewing the Primary Candidate List for the entire state available at the Secretary of State website (link here) we have the following observations and comments: As regards the … Continue reading

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RNC fundraising – WOW just WOW (and not in a good way)

This Sarah Arnold report below at Townhall yesterday, in spite of some obliviousness in the comment section, is no doubt tongue in cheek sarcasm – “whopping one million” more than the Dems in this day and age with the palpable … Continue reading

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“What difference does it make, at this point?” Hillary Clinton Agreed to Release Unsubstantiated Research on Trump-Russia Link, Ex-Aide Says  Democrat’s 2016 campaign chief says team wanted allegations of ties between Trump computers and Russian bank to go to press … Continue reading

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Part 4: If a kraken is released and no one is allowed to hear about it does it exist?

The theft of the 2020 presidential election is the biggest political scandal in United States history because of the now widespread contemporary known facts of the steal, the journalistic corruption and blackout, the accessories after the fact judiciary, the willful and cowardly … Continue reading

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Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it

Because, in spite of the chicken littles, we can’t. Weather gunna weather whether we like it or not.  Consider this recent post explaining historic observations. But first a couple of asides. First we believe that much of the statistics indicating trends … Continue reading

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Out of the mouthes of babes and a Jesuitical solution,

From dlh: “The nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent mothers desperately rushing from store to store has evaded one lucky group: illegal immigrants detained by Border Patrol. “According to videos posted by a Florida lawmaker, the Biden administration has been … Continue reading

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Food security not climate boondoggles

There are two green movements, the earth one and the money one, and in Iowa the latter uses the former with abandon Keep this in mind every time you go grocery shopping and buy gas Where is the humanity in … Continue reading

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Part 3: If a kraken is released and no one is allowed to hear about it does it exist?

The kraken referred to is of course evidence of the theft of 2020 election exposed in the documentary film 2000 Mules which premiered Monday May 2nd. A synopsis,  people and organizations that made the documentary are set forth in this … Continue reading

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Part 2 — If a kraken is released and no one is allowed to hear about it does it exist?

The specific timing of the leak of the SCOTUS draft and the extent of the coverage and fulmination by the usual suspects The subversive irresponsible anarchist punk who released the draft undermining the SCOTUS processes for partisan political ends had the … Continue reading

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If a kraken is released and no one is allowed to hear about it does it exist? Part 1

More about the timing of the SCOTUS leak. The Biden Residency has been a disaster for the country and may be shaping up to be a disaster for many Democrats.  The first part is by design. But the actual movers … Continue reading

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