Monthly Archives: December 2012

Obama On Benghazi — What If Bush Did It?

Democrats like to say – “Bush did it” — well what if Bush had presided over the Libya foreign policy debacle  — what would the general press reaction be to matters related to the actual results of the policy as … Continue reading

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Voter ID Anyone . . . Anyone At All

In a “normal” world…one in which Obama is not successfully growing his dictatorship…this would be a startling exposé. Now, no national media has the slightest interest in what appears to be a factual, well documented analysis of how this country … Continue reading

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Conservatives — Quaint Dreamers?

I think it’s kind of quaint how conservatives become almost orgasmic each time a new Obama outrage is revealed. Each time over the past four years or so, conservatives and Republicans are overcome with joy at the prospect that this … Continue reading

Posted in CRANK'S CORNER | 3 Comments

Feinstein Gun Bill A Serious Attack On The Second Amendment – Republican Leadership Take Heed

This article is an extension of one submitted by contributing editor BM, additional thanks to RT and HP. US Senator Dianne Feinstein’s proposed gun bill is a very serious attack on the Second Amendment, a basic right of free people … Continue reading

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Why Do We Have “Low Information” Voters?

There are some things I am puzzled about…actually quite a few, but maybe I’m just easily puzzled. Much is said in conservative circles about “low information” voters, nearly all of whom support Obama. I’m sure there are many of them. … Continue reading

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Lady Bird Johnson – Needed More Than Ever – To Fight Wind Farms

In 1965 then First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson successfully championed federal legislation named The Highway Beautification Act (HBA). A legacy organization from that cause Scenic America is still active.  According to the organization’s website ” The HBA was intended to … Continue reading

Posted in ENERGY & CLIMATE | Tagged | 1 Comment

Bambi Likes The Burbs

Alan Caruba’s weekend post offers some important insights into man and nature, encroachment and renewal.   Quad Cities residents can add their own anecdotes about the success of deer for example in our suburban areas.  Periodic urban bow hunting “seasons” for … Continue reading

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Why Not Jane Fonda For Secretary of State?

Of course this is “old news”… time to move on. We’ve heard all these charges before and all these attempts to smear a “true war hero”. How far we have come as a nation, a society, an  electorate. Why not … Continue reading

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Help Is On The Way!

The Post It List — Subject Matter Coming Sooner Rather Than Later: Conducting GOP outreach efforts More on wind power Petroleum perspective Early voting And more scintillating articles and posts from your folks at Veritas PAC! 00

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Big Government Types Like Mayor Gluba Will Undermine Liberties

We have not paid any attention to the QC Times this week so excuse us if we missed something important.  No seriously, stop laughing.  Ahem, OK now,  . . .  seriously  we may have missed  an article dealing with Davenport … Continue reading

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