Monthly Archives: August 2012

Veritas to Offer Free Popcorn to QC Times Editorial Board to View Conservative Documentaries!

Or maybe not. Back in the day Mark Ridolfi, Editorial Page Editor of the QC Times, in an e-mail to selected individuals, invited local conservatives to view a Michael Moore documentary, and to discuss it afterwords in the spirit of … Continue reading

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Will Clint Play Misty for Mitt?

I wonder why I am somewhat apprehensive about Clint Eastwood addressing the GOP convention tonight. Who will show up ? Dirty Harry? or the producer of “Letters from Iwo Jima” or the confused Super Bowl messenger regarding the auto industry … Continue reading

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The QC Times Editor Mark Ridolfi Refers To This Guy As A Conservative

That would be David Brooks.  He has been part of the “balance” at the QC Times. Famous for his infatuation with Obama and the crease in his pants . . . pathetic at insightful humor In truth David Brooks never … Continue reading

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Best Lines From RNC Evening Speeches

Tuesday & Wednesday . . . Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey: . . .  the American people want to hear the truth about the extent of our fiscal difficulties.  They believe the American people need to be coddled by … Continue reading

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So Many People to Offend — So Little Time

Look for commentary in coming days regarding: The Republican National Convention Rules changes regarding delegate selection. What’s wrong with Scott County (Republican Central Committee) What’s wrong with some Ron Paul supporters The Akin abortion and rape controversy . . . … Continue reading

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Blood — You Don’t Know Jack S**t

Last night this editor attended a 6:30 showing of Dinesh D’Souza‘s 2016 at the  Rave / 53rd Street  theaters.  It was sold out.   Based on my years of activity in Republican politics and it being a film understood as an … Continue reading

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Warming The Resident Cranks’ Cockles

Oh, this is good!  Check out this upbraiding of Jay Leno by Dennis Miller. Your humble correspondent subjects himself almost nightly to suffer through a Leno monologue. In my opinion, it’s hard to see how Leno made the big time. … Continue reading

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Comparing The A-D and QC Times Re: Romney Campaign Stop

  Comparing treatment of a conservative by these two publications involves different metrics then used comparing their treatment of a liberal.  We previously remarked in these pages regarding their treatment of Obama the week before.  There the competition was for … Continue reading

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2012 Election Choice: A President or a Dictatorship

Editors note: I often toy with the titles proposed by our senior editor in an effort to grab some attention for the compelling text in the body of his submissions.  No need to toy with this one. The choice is … Continue reading

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More On Press Subserviance To The Powers That Be

Especially when it comes to the Obama Administration, it seems the mainstream liberal  press has been increasingly subverted from not only speaking truth to power but even speaking truth about the activities of “power.” Because this article emanates from the … Continue reading

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