Monthly Archives: August 2012

Movie: 2016: Obama’s America,

‎‎Director: Dinesh D’Souza – 1hr 29min‎‎ – Rated PG‎‎ – Documentary Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D’Souza races against time to find answers to Obama’s past and reveal where America will be in 2016. … Continue reading

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Obama Programming Local Media To His Favor

Regarding this article on Brietbart by Warner Todd Huston . . . may we humbly suggest that if that article was not our echo we were part of a timely chorus.  Shades of our article yesterday regarding KWQC Gary Mitivea’s … Continue reading

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Romney Visit and Note to Readers

Governor Romney is scheduled to make a campaign stop at Bettendorf ‘s LeClaire Manufacturing 2727 62nd Street at noon Wednesday.  Veritas editors are helping with logistics at the event so posts intended for tomorrow may be delayed.  The Scott County … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 1 Comment

Oh Those Whimsical Bolsheviks!

One must wonder if the wise folks of the QC Times editorial board ever find their way  onto the pages of Investors Business Daily  (IBD) on their way to their regular replenishment from the Daily Kos . Remember that the … Continue reading

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KWQC Team Plays Softball With BO

Obama’s strategy for dealing with the press from here to election day is pretty clear. Even though he did, finally, after two months of dodging the Washington press corps make a brief appearance today (Mon. Aug. 20), BO can nevertheless be … Continue reading

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Covering For Good Ol’ Joe

Here’s the way the LA Times applies lipstick , and blush, to the Biden “pig”. He’s just an”old school” pol who is candid on the campaign trail and just can’t adapt to the “twitter” environment. Conclusion: “ol’ Joe’s OK” and … Continue reading

Posted in CRANK'S CORNER | 1 Comment

Local Issues — Agenda 21 — Still On Our Agenda

Readers are asked to keep informed about  “Agenda 21. ” It is a so called “sustainability plan” promulgated under the auspices of the United Nations that goes beyond  existing property zoning regulations and building codes to extend government far deeper … Continue reading

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Best of Show — Our Pick For Alpha Lap Dog Is . . .

We have previously remarked about the competition by elements of the local media for the title  “Alpha Lapdog” in support of the Obama reelection campaign. In the newspaper category we can see from today’s editions of the Quad City Times … Continue reading

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Climate Lies in Iowa’s Supreme Court — Alan Caruba

Since the climate liars cannot make their case on the basis of the known science, taking it into a court of law with a passionate appeal to emotion in order to impose restrictions on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has long been … Continue reading

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Article Eviscerates The Hypocrisy Of The Left And The Complicity Of The Media

Our Not So Best and Not So Brightest  — A superb piece by Victor David Hanson! This is such a thorough wrap up of the deeds and character of the Left that it is breathtaking to read.  DLH Excerpts: “. … Continue reading

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