Covering For Good Ol’ Joe

Here’s the way the LA Times applies lipstick , and blush, to the Biden “pig”. He’s just an”old school” pol who is candid on the campaign trail and just can’t adapt to the “twitter” environment. Conclusion: “ol’ Joe’s OK” and really is an asset to BO…mainly because local press behaves like the QC Times…wetting their pants over a visit to their town…ooh, ooh!

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One Response to Covering For Good Ol’ Joe

  1. Romentum says:

    I think ole Joe’s gaffes are starting to reach a tipping point and he is beginning to become a liability. I was just reading that his handlers are even trying to check the pool reporters from the media following him around to make sure they don’t report all the stupid things he says.

    We always knew Joe was a nutcase. We just didn’t get that much time to talk about it before McCain picked Palin in 08 and the media devoted 24/7 coverage on destroying her for 3 months. After that Joe was pretty much locked in the WH basement for 3.5 years.

    Now that the primary is over and Romney picked a highly qualified, articulate and gaffeless VP they are forced to bring Joe out of hiding in attempt to combat Ryan and he sounds exactly like the moron we all knew he always was. The difference this time is the media is forced to cover Joe’s stupid comments because they have nothing on Ryan (plus some just really are bizarre).

    The “oh thats just Joe being Joe LoL” schtick that the LA Times and MSM put out every 10 minutes after he says something stupid is starting to wear thin. The guy is an embarrassment and people like Giuliani are even suggesting that he might not even be all there. And where is Joe this weekend while Ryan is putting in 18 hour days in Florida campaigning? At home in Delware on vacation for the weekend. Heck it might be the best place for him to be.

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