Monthly Archives: September 2020

“Debate”? Disappointment perhaps but also some method to the madness

With the benefit of letting the matter gel a bit, to assemble a variety of respected takes on the evening we range from disappointment to seeing method or  silver lining in the Trump performance.  Photo via HP’s FB post.  First … Continue reading

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Lee Enterprise’s most recent yellow journalism: excreting AP excretions of NYT bile about Trump taxes

They, along with the New York Times (NYT) YT are hypocrites about Trump taxes . . . Sensationalizing legal minimization of  taxes, as if they don’t engage in it In truth there is no there there, no scandal, Trump has … Continue reading

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Last Night’s Candidate Debate

I could only watch 15 minutes.  It was a noble gesture to protect the TV from having things thrown at it, mostly to hit Chris Wallace but Biden as well.   Today’s Liberty Daily has many links to commentaries about the … Continue reading

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Pope Ignoramous should not pontificate on economics or constitutional jurisprudence

If I could write as good as Beaton, I’d write this piece.He sees both of this people exactly as I do.      dlh Glenn K. Beaton writing at his blog the Aspen Beat Is Judge Barrett too Catholic for Pope Francis?  … Continue reading

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For all the thoughtful readers in V’PAC land —

(Our take: Things look bleak…but, that’s only because they really are!) This is a column not for sissies…Hollywood’s “you can’t stand the truth” come ‘home to roost:     dlh Victor Davis Hanson The Progressive Medusa        (excerpt) The Hard … Continue reading

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Maher is a real clAss act

Bill Maher is in a class of his own…one that no human being would want to be in. Whether one agrees or not with Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her judicial views, only a very sick, silly fool would call … Continue reading

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“No Durham Report” No breaking news here

“Huge News”? Not To Us ! Is been predictable for months, obvious for weeks Greatest political crime in 60 years, arguably in American history Effective resolution possible, but denied We’ve suggested this so often, we’ve even bored ourselves with the … Continue reading

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If Peggy Noonan defends SCOTUS nominee, are we in trouble?

Democrat Christian haters (it is now in their DNA) may try to use Trump SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barret’s membership in a Catholic prayer group “community” as fodder to accuse her of extremism or something.  From NeverTrumper WSJ columnist Peggy … Continue reading

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Great “GOP Team” Campaign Ad Out of Where Else, TEXAS

Thanks to several forwards . . . 00

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We wonder if every Democrat in DC has “liability insurance”?

Justice delayed is justice denied –  Durham not listening What is keeping Durham from pressing his case — it looks like the swamp could maintain a mutual liability insurance company? Deep state corruption being slow-walked by Durham, at best, only … Continue reading

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