Monthly Archives: July 2020

Target USA: Using the Wuhan virus to kill freedom

A useful tool, a manufactured crisis, an aggravated condition, a pretext that Democrats are exploiting to the max Too many Republican leaders have been giving Democrats the tools to further their agenda The Republic really is at stake We know … Continue reading

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Even if it were an NBA/ XI JIN PING PONG match, and . . .

EVEN IF THEY ALL WEAR ‘BLM NIKES’?, WE ARE NOT WATCHING Reading this, our reaction was, “IS THERE STILL AN “NBA”?, IF SO… “SO WHAT?” From PowerLine: TUNING OUT THE NBA The NBA resumes its season tonight. Some players will … Continue reading

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Story, doesn’t say which party…it’s Democrat, but you have to look it up elsewhere

Media uninterested in party affiliation, unless they can denigrate a Republican with a report Lawmaker “unknown party” displays persecution complex aka  the woman/progressive/ bleeding heart/race card Promises to “continue to serve with the same integrity, the same passion that I’ve … Continue reading

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Reform sports to being, well, sports

MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY; IS THERE A READER OUT THERE WHO IS REALLY STILL ‘EXCITED’ ABOUT PROFESSIONAL SPORTS? PLEASE, LET’S HEAR FROM YOU.       dlh      Article below If a mickey mouse virus can do this why can’t free people?  Derek Hunter at … Continue reading

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Ain’t no ‘bias’ goin’ on here!

A sample of the deviousness and malevolent forms of ‘writing trickery’ many “reporters ” use these days. I fear that “news”* reporting like that below from the WSJ is effective in creating public opinion, and does, of course, reflect the … Continue reading

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Like Nadler’s Portland “protests”…”Mythical”

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he’ll announce his running mate “the first week in August.” He assured reporters that it would not be a “Black female Mo-Taur”! Progressive Insurance created the “Motaur”, a strange and mythical-looking creature … Continue reading

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Jim Jordan and William Barr have the Democrats for lunch

And we are not talking a collegial conclave with victuals nor the imagery of  superior forces eating the Democrats food as there is rarely any left after Jerry Nadler hears the call The two, Jordan and Barr, ate the Democrats … Continue reading

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Absurd Times

Here are a few memes courtesy HP to delight and motivate. Readers are encouraged to send us their  favorite political commentary. We delight in the absurd. Nothing is more absurd in these absurd times than many of the Corona virus … Continue reading

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Wasn’t it Michele Obama who said, “When they go low, we go ‘high’?

“High” on what, Michele?     dlh Raising kids the “Democrat way”? Adults Have Portland Toddlers Hold Anti-Cop Signs and Repeat ‘F*ck the Police’  Toddlers Hold Signs and Say ‘F— the Police’ Outside Portland Courthouse, Raise Black Power Fist There will be … Continue reading

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THIS (?) is the “sports” everyone has missed during the Covid lockdown’ ??

Uniforms on NBA, NFL and likely MLB to be social justice billboards – but only leftist messages approved so far Where’s the revenue stream in that! Anyone expect that “All Lives Matter” will be allowed? How about: “Respect the Police”; … Continue reading

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