Monthly Archives: July 2018

Agent 20535

Becoming less willing to assume what % of those “hardworking, dedicated,” lower level agents, lawyers, and other professionals employed by today’s deep state in Washington  all are incorruptible, loyal Americans (after all, who hired many of them?) This Clarice Feldman article … Continue reading

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Trump can’t stop winning

Critics can’t stop whining Slaves to theory just got spanked by human “negotiating” reality Latest EU vibes suggest we may get to something closer to zero tariffs It is Trump’s doing and his critics offered no clue how asking nice … Continue reading

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Stock downturns for two social-media giants

Couldn’t happen to nicer companies — Twitter and Facebook Twitter and Facebook are run by what appears to be a bunch of globaloneyists (glancing at  the bios of various principals) who are not merely succumbing to political correctness (bad enough) … Continue reading

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Bad Dreams

Tell me, what are the odds that every parish in Iowa and Illinois will include, in the pastor’s Sunday homily in coming weeks a strong recommendation for the flock to see this movie.* AM I correct also in assuming that … Continue reading

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When magnanimity knows no bounds

We have been too hard on Barack H Obama Thanks to HP for the forward AN OLDER LADY WHO LOVES BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA This is certainly a different way to look at what has been happening… his first term made … Continue reading

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Speaking of egregious behavior of swamp denizens . . .

. . . the big story here . . . bigger even than “Are you reading this Sean Hannity?” * is how these types, swamp denizens like cringe inducer Lanny Davis get away with so much and get rewarded for … Continue reading

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Reading assignment

We went after David Harsanyi yesterday, today we applaud his remembrance of and personification of Lanny Davis. Are you reading this Sean Hannity? Let’s Take A Moment To Remember The Corrupt Hackery Of Lanny Davis 00

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Trading punches

This morning we read two articles critical of Trump’s 12 Billion dollar farmer aid proposal, a response or sop to farmers as a result of the threatened response by other countries to impose or increase tariffs on American agricultural goods … Continue reading

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China’s Total Warfare Strategy

Military buildup is just one aspect Via Americans for Limited Government / Daily Torch While the left and mainstream media are looking at Russia because of some Facebook memes, the real threat is gaining steam around the globe By Printus … Continue reading

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Hillary showcasing her new tent and awning start-up

Is this mean?  Not the first picture, as it is an unadulterated photo of Hillary at a public or press attended event. But the leftist dominated media for so long was so obsequious about everything Michelle wore, and still is, … Continue reading

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