Monthly Archives: May 2016

AFP sponsors screening of Escape from Firebase Kate

In honor of Memorial Day, this Thursday, June 2, American’s for Prosperity is sponsoring  the first local screening of the powerful Vietnam War documentary Escape from Firebase Kate. Putnam Museum and Science Center – 1717 West 12th Street, Davenport, IA 52804. … Continue reading

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Forty-three House Republicans vote to inculcate Obama’s transgender policies

Iowa Congressman David Young among them Here are excerpts from reports and relevant links to what went on in the House last week regarding a key vote on inculcation of Obama’s any-bathroom / any-gym-locker-room-you-please executive order. The re-posted articles are … Continue reading

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Pope Francis looking at a full paten in ’17

From Veritas’ Reality Media prognosticators: Rumor has it that Francis is planning an appearance on GloZel’s show, he may even appear in a commercial for Fruit Loops. Also, THE POPULAR PONTIFF is being sought to host the Academy Awards in … Continue reading

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Bret Stephens’ tantrum condemns the country

Like a child, the WSJ editorial page editor is — Oblivious to the assured danger to the Constitution from anyone to the left of Trump Regardless of the implications just as regards the Supreme Court Admits of no recognition of … Continue reading

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Obama’s day of infamy in Hiroshima — suggesting moral equivalency in prosecution of WW2

Telling it like it is about Obama’s Hiroshima speech — comments follow Over the last couple of days, Daniel Greenfield writing at Sultan Knish and Front Page (where he is editor) posted a series responding to Obama’s much publicized visit … Continue reading

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Great No’sh from Takeout

Cruising the site Intellectual Takeout (OK we first came upon it not in search of sustenance for our mind) we found a treasure trove of conservative articles. Don’t be intimidated by the site’s name as the articles are quite accessible.  … Continue reading

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Jokesters in Obamaland rip other countries on border control

Absolutely incredible.  You can’t make this up.   Published on CNS News, this report was played straight. The transcribers must have thought they were in an alternate universe, or experiencing a script for Saturday Night Live or the last White … Continue reading

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Hillary’s problems sets up Biden/Warren?

News reports from CNN and Fox News regarding Hillary e-mail lies. Information on Whitewater lies and coverup surface Warning to be careful of what we ask for Thanks to DP for alerting us to this video.  It is via POTUS … Continue reading

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Ash clown thinks he is cute and clever

DOD Secretary Carter challenges one’s gag reflex On “gender neutrality” did these guys take English? The existing well-understood inclusiveness of the English language suffices (unless you are a pathetic twit). This is how scarce resources and funds for our armed … Continue reading

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