Monthly Archives: December 2016 GUILTY of crime against humanity

In dawned on me just now that our countdown of the remaining days in the Obama administration has been off for awhile. We had extended our nation’s sentence  under the Obamanation one day, which is by rights a crime against … Continue reading

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File under “Horror Stories…If Hillary Had Won”

Einsatzgruppe . . . Library of Congress . . .  EPA . . . GPO . . . Beware! Those heavily armed Library of Congress “Special Ops” aren’t going after US citizens for over-due books! 5 minutes could be time … Continue reading

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An ignorance of history of historic proportion

Whose land is it? Who kicked who out? The Final Resolution = The Final Solution? From Gary Bauer at Campaign for Working Families  “Judenfrei” One of the arguments being advanced by the Obama Administration as to why Israel must surrender … Continue reading

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You can be John Kerry, or . . .

. . .  a person of intellectual honesty, unimpaired judgement, and emotional maturity … but you can’t be both Oh, and about the depth of support our key allies have for Obama/Kerry  … British PM Theresa May Condemns Kerry’s Speech  … Continue reading

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Pardoning Hillary . . . pardoning Obama

It is about more than e-mails — also the Clinton pay to play crime foundation We think Obama will issue a preemptive pardon, a plenary indulgence  Accepting a pardon is an admission of wrong-doing except she will say it isn’t, … Continue reading

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Obama was on the ballot, and lost

He really is an arrogant SOB Via the Daily Caller: (excerpts) It’s Pretty Clear Why Obama Wouldn’t Have Fared So Well Against Donald Trump Politico’s Bill Scher unceremoniously yanked the one remaining leg out of President Barack Obama’s stool in … Continue reading

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Its only natural . . .

You know that whole argument from the Palestinians and the leftists who plead their case to the detriment of peace and Israel,  about “their” territory, and the Jewish settlements violating them, —-  well what would a Imam have to say … Continue reading

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One can’t be sentient and John Kerry

SOS John Kerry in a speech today, defended directing our ambassador to the UN to abstain on the UN security council vote condemning Israel over settlements in territory they control (American bases in Japan and Germany anyone?) .  His speech … Continue reading

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Today’s interlude


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Or maybe the Russians are behind it . . .

Mall riots Shootings in certain enclaves Attn: late breaking “Fake News”? JUST 24 DAYS REMAIN FOR THE “MALL RIOT DAY” CELEBRATIONS! “Yoots” and “youngsters” and “unruly teens” are reminded there are just 24 days left in the ‘Mall Riots and … Continue reading

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