Monthly Archives: August 2019

“Tax the Wealthy!”

Here is the issue: Democrats want to shift toward taxing wealth, instead of just  salaries and the income assets generate – And you thought Democrats didn’t have a plan for paying for all that free stuff they promise – Believe … Continue reading

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Comey, IG, Barr,

I G Report: Comey Violated FBI Policies, Leaked Information To The Media, Hid Memos in His Home w/o Notifying the Bureau; But, That’s OK…Nuthin’ Much to See Here – Guess this clears the way for Comey to sue, claiming misfiring … Continue reading

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IG Report — anyone expect a perp-walk??

Seems like we predicted that little would come from the Justice Dept. “getting the facts” “While the findings of the probe were forwarded to the DOJ, the department has declined prosecution.” Is it necessary to say more about the total … Continue reading

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Get the latest V’PAC commentary by refreshing through archives

For some time now it has been a frustration that whichever is culpable — our platform (WordPress) our Web hoster (GoDaddy) or various search engines do not make accessible  our latest posts on a timely as in instantaneous basis as … Continue reading

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Dear Iowa Corn Growers Assoc: Your ~ good situation~ reflected a bad situation for other Americans

Corn Growers association should stop its whining, Japan (and others) will make up a lot of the ag market thanks to Trump policies. Trump is winning for America. China will need to come to the table or lose out on … Continue reading

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Frightening confirmation of long suspected swamp creatures

At The Washington Examiner: New species* of blood-sucking leech identified in swamps outside DC Scientists said that the new species Macrobdella mimicus, has been around for a while, but appeared very similar to another species of the parasite. Smithsonian research … Continue reading

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In order to be a “house conservative” – you must despise Trump

The New York Times’ and Washington Post’s “good” conservatives are trotted out once a week or so to show “diversity,” just not so much on what counts to the publishers of course. Anyway we have no doubt the publishers have … Continue reading

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Psychiatrist, heal thyself

Obviously someone diverging from liberal political correctness is pathological How is this Duke professor’s “diagnosis” different from the purpose behind punitive psychiatry of the Soviet Union? Praise Jesus (sorry, insert favorite politically correct however delusional fairy-tale) Biden gets clean bill … Continue reading

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Dear Mayor: GOP getting along quite nicely

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg got some press today on the anniversary of John McCain’s passing with the statement “GOP ‘poorer as a party’ without John McCain” We do know that healthcare is now more easily on the road to … Continue reading

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Leftist mob action will get worse

Insight begets insight Clarice Feldman has delivered and  . . .  prognosticated about it As the beautiful people send their condolences to philanthropist family How anything more than this should even be necessary to convince an overwhelming number of American … Continue reading

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