Monthly Archives: November 2015

Abortion related murders in Colorado Springs and Philadelphia

America will hear all about Robert Lewis Dear, accused of killing three in an abortion clinic, and his victims. It will be far more than they heard about Kermitt Gosnell, convicted of killing three in an abortion clinic, and his … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz is in Scott County on Monday

Unlike Obama, Cruz is forthcoming and transparent about his biography The KWQC News 5:00PM edition had a report about Ted Cruz hosting town halls in the area tomorrow but failed to specify that he will be in Bettendorf at 4:00 … Continue reading

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Planned Parenthood poisons the truth with obscurity

“Glob of protoplasm”,   ” product of conception”, euphemisms like “freedom to choose” . . . and many more words to obscure the truth . . .  that each of us once was so tiny so vulnerable and that living … Continue reading

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Obama to Congress – butt out, this is between Iran and me

We reported on this matter a few days ago but our astonishment about the reaction non-reaction from the Republican led Congress has only increased. From the London Daily Mail today: State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it’s … Continue reading

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Dreams of our Fathers

(adapted from an item that came in over the transome) THE PERFECT DAY – January 20, 2017 1.President Ted Cruz is sworn into office. 2. In a rare event on inauguration day, Congress convenes for an emergency meeting to repeal the … Continue reading

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Ryan not saving private healthcare

Saving Obamacare instead No surprise but infuriating none the less. Paul Ryan is exactly the GOPe fraud we knew he was. Like Obama, he doesn’t care that you know it. What are you gonna do about it? Sue him? The … Continue reading

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Why is the Iran ~~ bargain ~~ not grounds for Obama’s impeachment?

Why would this not be grounds for Obama’s impeachment and subsequent criminal charges including treason? Just askin’  In an earlier post we raised the matter of the whatever it was that Obama took it upon himself to agree to with … Continue reading

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Obama repulses even on Thanksgiving

Ms. Brown nails it! I think it is very safe to say that there has never been such a repulsive little man to occupy the highest office in the land.  DLH Obama can’t even pardon a turkey without bashing Republicans … Continue reading

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Iran never signed any agreement

But they got the money Is this the most bizarre way to do official US government business ever in the history of this country?  From Joel Gehrke at National Review: State Department: Iran Deal Is Not ‘Legally Binding’ and Iran … Continue reading

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Rubio’s attack on Ted Cruz is an attack on Chuck Grassley…

. . . and Mike Lee and James Inhofe and another 20 Republican Senators Rubio’s spokeshole says “Cruz voted with Harry Reid and Barack Obama to weaken US intel programs.”     Seriously, he said that. Does Rubio not think people check … Continue reading

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