Monthly Archives: March 2017

Media focuses on trivial

You will not read a more thorough or accurate account of the whole Nunes/Russian collusion/ Democrat treachery than this by V D Hanson: Devin Nunes and Washington’s Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma  Extensive article lays out so … Continue reading

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What parallel universe are we living in?

THIS IS SO OBVIOUS AND SO ELEMENTARY WHY IN HELL AREN’T REPUBLICANS SAYING IT EVERY TIME THE TOPIC OF “RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE” COMES UP?????????????? (And let’s not forget Obama going to the UK and threatening the Brits that they’d better not … Continue reading

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Chaffetz chaps

“The Russian investigation isn’t a “witch Hunt”; it’s a needed effort to get to the bottom of this matter”. – “No, I would not give General Flynn immunity for his testimony. For Congress to grant him immunity during an FBI … Continue reading

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Chuck Schumer is a good authority for Gorsuch proceedings

On good authority – Supreme Court nominee should not be subjected to 60 vote margin and of course a certain president’s nominee should not even see the light of day  —    Chuck Schumer Senate Democrat minority leader and Judiciary … Continue reading

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If you ask me

BUSH FAMILY: NOW THAT’S SOME WEIRD SHIT! So George Bush was shocked and appalled by Donald Trump’s inaugural speech. My, My, why am I not surprised? This is our 43rd president, who never seemed to have an unkind thought or … Continue reading

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Items of note, in our political opinion of course

The face of evil Planned Parenthood , the nations largest abortion syndicate, has been exposed once again  by undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for being the face of evil that they are. A face Democrat leadership … Continue reading

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Letting Obamcare fester too long not much of a solution

This Stilton Jarlsberg graphic and commentary* makes a compelling point about the recent comments from President Trump indicating he will allow Obamacare to stew in its juice, compelling a healthcare bill down the road after letting Obamacare “blow up” (and … Continue reading

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Pithy posters to chew on

From over the transom   00

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Trump’s best tweets focus on overcoming media bias

Assertive direct to constituents messaging is important On a good day some of the dominant liberal media (DLM)* will actually report what the President says, others not so much Trump perhaps should have included the DLM rather than just the … Continue reading

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OK the alert level is now WTF

Via Town Hall:  Reince: Conservatives Were Seeking a ‘Perfect’ Bill (Reince Priebus Trump’s Chief of Staff) “We can’t be chasing the perfect all he time,” he said. “Sometimes you have to take the good and put it in your pocket … Continue reading

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