Monthly Archives: September 2021

Meet Senator Grassley’s good friend BIF

You remember the bipartisan infrastructure bill, a.k.a. “BIF”* as in Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, the parliamentary planned stalking horse for the even more gargantuan $3.2 trillion “reconciliation” bill (as in reconciling America to Marxism). It is still not passed, no thanks … Continue reading

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Milley has much to answer for

Seems a very similar scenario appeared in V’pac some days ago. Anybody notice if Hanson’s name was in the byline?        dlh To understand Milley’s gambit, imagine Admiral Ernest King, soon to be chief of naval operations, sometime in November 1941 … Continue reading

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Here we go again – too little interest in local elections

School Board race in Davenport needs to be shaken up – End process of not foxes but voracious wolves “guarding” the chicken coop — teachers unions Those who school your children, rule the world Be very concerned about Marxist  policies … Continue reading

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The Marxist Left & Pope’s (we repeat ourselves) One World Government Phraseology

“An Ever Wider We” (as in no stated limits) no nation states /culture to protect Plenty of context to contend the bumper sticker portends open borders and one-world government And, Francis, who needs walls?…like around the Vatican Fealty or at … Continue reading

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Grassley to run again – on that decision thanks for nothing

At 4:00 AM this morning Senator Grassley tweeted his announcement prior to beginning his morning jog. There was some speculation about whether he would run and this conservative held the opinion that the timing was best for the country’s senior … Continue reading

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Queens for the day

Sorry, meant memes for the day.  Thanks to TN. It’s becoming quite the trend at a number of college games Pudding time Joe The protest last weekend that Queen Nancy was so worried about was attended more by media, “security” … Continue reading

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Leftist Organ “Fact Checkers” are not devoted to truth . . .

. . . offer only blindered leftist “analysis” REMEMBER WHEN THE “NEWS” MEDIA KEPT TRACK OF THE PRESIDENT’S LIES? The Washington Post says that President Trump told “30,573 untruths” during his 4-year term. Apparently The Washington Post has either stopped … Continue reading

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O”Biden’s General: Milley’s Russian and China collusion

Remember how a year ago an American general meeting with a Russian was somehow a great scandal MORE TROUBLE FOR MILLEY? ON HEELS OF CHINA CALL, General Flynn would’ve gone to prison if Trump had not pardoned him… for a … Continue reading

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Hope springs eternal, or at least for the mid-terms

Early Iowa Poll, all manner of things can change prior to mid-terms  Cheaters have proven they can prosper in the short term and Democrats are quite good at it However they can’t cheat eternal damnation CNN Warns Latest Polling Should … Continue reading

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Chuck Grassley has helped make Joe Manchin the man of the hour

Chuck Grassley has disappointed, to say the least The big question now is which one is more dependable and to which Party, Grassley or Manchin (see links) Chuck has done his work, easily rolling over (along with the rest of … Continue reading

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