Hope springs eternal, or at least for the mid-terms

  • Early Iowa Poll, all manner of things can change prior to mid-terms 
  • Cheaters have proven they can prosper in the short term and Democrats are quite good at it
  • However they can’t cheat eternal damnation

CNN Warns Latest Polling Should ‘Terrify’ Democrats Ahead of Midterms

CNN Warns Latest Polling Should ‘Terrify’ Democrats Ahead of Midterms
CV NEWS FEED // CNN’s Chris Cillizza wrote an essay warning that huge numbers of American voters are turning against President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

“It’s the rare poll that makes an entire party sit up and take notice. The new Iowa poll is one of those polls,” wrote Cillizza:

Just 31% of Iowans approved of how Joe Biden is handling his duties as president while a whopping 62% disapprove. …Biden’s approval on pulling American troops out of Afghanistan stands at a meager 22%. Approval for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is now just 36% among Iowans.

Cillizza described the new poll numbers as “a blaring red alarm for not just Biden but especially down-ballot Democrats — in Iowa and elsewhere — who will be running in the 2022 midterms.”

“If Biden’s numbers are anywhere close to this bad in other swing states — and districts — Democrats’ hopes of holding onto their very narrow three-seat House majority are somewhere close to nonexistent,” Cillizza explained, citing a 2018 Gallup essay which stated:

In Gallup’s polling history, presidents with job approval ratings below 50% have seen their party lose 37 House seats, on average, in midterm elections. That compares with an average loss of 14 seats when presidents had approval ratings above 50%.

While Cillizza may hold out some hope for the “other swing states” he mentioned, one such state brought bad news for Biden this week as well.

The latest poll in Michigan found that Biden “has seen his approval ratings fall more drastically” than even the increasingly-unpopular Gov. Gretchen Whittmer, a fellow Democrat. “About 39% of voters approved of [Biden’s] performance and 53% disapproved” according to the new Glengariff Group poll, Detroit News reported.

Cillizza concluded by reiterating that “if the President’s numbers in Iowa are anything close to where they are today” when the midterms come around, “it is an absolute disaster for Democrats” and “would presage the near-certain loss of a large number of House seats (and their majority) come next November.”

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